
Model: data/DeviceChanges

VOSS-4-UC Change Notification Feature

This section provides more details on the functionality of the Change Notification Feature (CNF) components in VOSS-4-UC.

Change Notification Collector

The data/DeviceChanges model has an instance per UCM cluster and will provide the data collector status and pending changes in the cache for that cluster. An instance of the model will appear for all UCM clusters whether change notification is enabled or not. It gives you access to:

The data/DeviceChanges model should be included in menu layouts for roles that need access to this level of detail for the CNF syncs.

Change Notification Sync Type

When a Change Notification Sync type is used in a data sync, there are a number of differences in the sync behavior in comparison with a normal pull sync:

All other visible settings are the same as with a normal pull sync, for example, device filters, workflows, and so on.

When a sync runs (either a normal pull sync or a change notification sync), it will clear out the change notification collection of any model types and changes processed for that cluster.

The model type lists and disabled operations define which models and types of actions are processed in either a pull or a change notification sync:

Pull Sync and Change Notification Sync details:

This sync behavior means that you may wish to set up multiple syncs for a cluster to handle different types of sync and sync schedules to meet your needs. Ensure that you generally have all the model types covered in your scheduled syncs if CNF is enabled, otherwise some changes may never be cleared from the change collection, thereby taking up space.

For additional considerations and information around sync setup best practices, see the Best Practices Guide.

VOSS-4-UC Setup to enable Change Notification

Enabling the Change Notification capability is completed on a per UCM Cluster basis. This can be done on the UCM Server configuration page for a publisher via the publisher tab and selecting the Enable Change Notification Sync check box. When selected and saved, the system will:

When CNF is disabled on the Publisher configuration page (or if the cluster is removed from the system), the following will occur:


If the collector is only disabled via the data/DeviceChanges model, then the schedules and sync will remain. This is the best approach if you need to temporarily disable the CNF sync (for example, for a maintenance window).

Used (per device) for configuring the change notification collector process & for monitoring unprocessed change notifications

Model Details

Title Description Details
Device ID * The resource ID of the associated device
  • Field Name: device_id
  • Type: String
Device Name * The name of the associated device
  • Field Name: device_name
  • Type: String
Device Type * The type of the associated device
  • Field Name: device_type
  • Type: String
Last Collection Time The last time the associated device was checked for changes
  • Field Name: last_collection_time
  • Type: String
CUCM Cluster Notes CUCM Cluster Notes Field
  • Field Name: notes
  • Type: String
Pending Change Notifications Pending changes for the associated device
  • Field Name: changes.[n]
  • Type: Array
Model Type * The model type of the pending changes in this section
  • Field Name: changes.[n].model_type
  • Type: String
Add Count The number of pending add changes
  • Field Name: changes.[n].add_count
  • Type: Integer
Update Count The number of pending update changes
  • Field Name: changes.[n].update_count
  • Type: Integer
Delete Count The number of pending delete changes
  • Field Name: changes.[n].delete_count
  • Type: Integer
Settings Change collector settings for this device
  • Field Name: settings
  • Type: Object
Polling Interval (seconds) How often the change collector service will check this device for changes (seconds) Default: 300
  • Field Name: settings.polling_interval
  • Type: Integer
  • Minimum: 300
  • Maximum: 7200
  • Default: 300
Enable Change Collection Tick to enable change collection for this device Default: True
  • Field Name: settings.cnf_enabled
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: True
Ignored Operations Indicates which operations should not be collected.
  • Field Name: ignored_operations
  • Type: Object
Add Do not collect "add" changes.
  • Field Name: settings.ignored_operations.add
  • Type: Boolean
Update Do not collect "update" changes.
  • Field Name: settings.ignored_operations.update
  • Type: Boolean
Remove Do not collect "remove" changes.
  • Field Name: settings.ignored_operations.remove
  • Type: Boolean
Displayed Model Types These model types will be displayed un-grouped in the pending changes section
  • Field Name: displayed_model_types.[n]
  • Type: Array
Model Type The model type that will have counts displayed in the pending changes section
  • Field Name: settings.displayed_model_types.[n].model_type
  • Type: String
API reference for data/DeviceChanges