What’s New

  • Note: For Release 19.3.2, the only upgrade procedure is with the Delta Bundle. Refer to the Upgrade Guide with Delta Bundle.

Provider Core Feature Guide: Release 19.3.2

  • EKB-4053: UserOPS Workflows in QuickAddSubscriber and relationSubscriberPhone results in CUCM Purge of existing Phones. See: Global Settings
  • EKB-4188: Drop-downs in new portal do not support paging which results in slow performance loading options. See: Search in a Drop-Down List
  • EKB-4362: Update device/ldap/User blocked due to LDAP write-back failures on dSCorePropagationData and logonCount. See: Set up LDAP for User Synchronization
  • EKB-4370: Make data sync fail immediately when there is an incorrect MIF. See: Model Instance Filter

Enterprise Core Feature Guide: Release 19.3.2

  • EKB-4053: UserOPS Workflows in QuickAddSubscriber and relationSubscriberPhone results in CUCM Purge of existing Phones. See: Global Settings
  • EKB-4188: Drop-downs in new portal do not support paging which results in slow performance loading options. See: Search in a Drop-Down List
  • EKB-4362: Update device/ldap/User blocked due to LDAP write-back failures on dSCorePropagationData and logonCount. See: Set up LDAP for User Synchronization
  • EKB-4370: Make data sync fail immediately when there is an incorrect MIF. See: Model Instance Filter

Platform Guide: Release 19.3.2

Best Practices Guide: Release 19.3.2

Advanced Configuration Guide: Release 19.3.2

  • EKB-4053: UserOPS Workflows in QuickAddSubscriber and relationSubscriberPhone results in CUCM Purge of existing Phones. See: Global Settings

  • EKB-4362: Update device/ldap/User blocked due to LDAP write-back failures on dSCorePropagationData and logonCount. See: Data Sync Blacklisted Attributes

  • EKB-4642: Improve RIS API data collection performance. See: Activate Phone Status Service

  • EKB-4666: Implement list operation to refresh status and IP address for a list of phones. See: System Monitoring Configuration

  • EKB-5144: Update default Phone Status collection to be enabled. See: Activate Phone Status Service

    Indicate the “Activate Phone Status Service” setting in data/Settings is enabled by default.

  • EKB-5144: Update default Phone Status collection to be enabled. See: System Monitoring Configuration

    Indicate the “Activate Phone Status Service” setting in data/Settings is enabled by default.

Provider HCS Dial Plan Management Support Guide: Release 19.3.2

  • EKB-4053: UserOPS Workflows in QuickAddSubscriber and relationSubscriberPhone results in CUCM Purge of existing Phones. See: Global Settings

Business Admin Portal Guide: Release 19.3.2

  • EKB-4188: Drop-downs in new portal do not support paging which results in slow performance loading options. See: Search in a Drop-Down List
  • EKB-4488: Bulk add subscriber fails with invalid phone name. See: Subscribers

Licensing and Subscriber Data Export Guide: Release 19.3.2

  • EKB-4053: UserOPS Workflows in QuickAddSubscriber and relationSubscriberPhone results in CUCM Purge of existing Phones. See: Global Settings