Release Notes for VOSS-4-UC 19.3.2

Release Overview

These are the official release notes for:

  • Product: VOSS-4-UC
  • Release Version: 19.3.2

Release 19.3.2 is the first incremental update of the year for the 19.x release series. The release mainly includes defect fixes and a few key enhancements. Some usability and operational enhancements from the 19.3.2 release include:

  • Improved background Cisco UCM phone status collection performance.
  • New list operation to fetch Cisco UCM phone registration status and IP address for a list of phones on-demand.
  • Linux Out-of-Memory tuning introduces a mitigation measure that protects the database process from being terminated by the operating system’s memory manager.
  • Improved version history storage efficiency, reducing disk space and improving operational maintenance.
  • Addition of a new platform CLI command to show the number of queued and processing transactions per unified node.
  • Install logs have been included in log collect for offline diagnostic purposes.

Release Details

Delta Platform
Release :
Build Number : 1425
Platform Version : 19.3.2-1588583382

Supported Upgrade Paths:

  • Delta Bundle Upgrade:
    • 19.x => 19.3.2

Cisco UC App Compatibility:

  • For this Release, testing was performed using the following Cisco UC apps versions. Note that older versions of each UC app may also be compatible.
UC App Versions

Important Information

  • The Delta Bundle Upgrade mechanism only upgrades services that are currently installed on a platform.

Features: Summary

Core Software

  • EKB-4005: Refactor Copy-on-Write logic so that CACHE storage is more efficient.
  • EKB-4160: Macro function to remove non ASCII characters.
  • EKB-4370: Make data sync fail immediately when there is an incorrect MIF.
  • EKB-4371: Add CLI command to show transaction worker usage by node.
  • EKB-4642: Improve RIS API data collection performance.
  • EKB-4666: Implement list operation to refresh status and IP address for a list of phones.
  • EKB-5143: Drop the CACHE collection during the upgrade.


  • EKB-4824: Implement Linux Out of Memory config to protect and prioritize.
  • EKB-4964: Include install logs in log collect.

Business Admin Portal

  • EKB-3930: Add sub-transaction ID in the sub-transaction list.

Features: Detail

Core Software

  • EKB-4005: Refactor Copy-on-Write logic so that CACHE storage is more efficient. The database collection ‘CACHE’ has been replaced by a new collection called ‘RESOURCE_HISTORY’. This collection now stores changes rather than full copies of the data, and should therefore use less disk space. It is also maintained automatically, therefore the ‘trim cache’ procedure is no longer required.
  • EKB-4160: Macro function to remove non ASCII characters. Adds a new function for removing non-ASCII characters: fn.fix_non_ascii.
  • EKB-4370: Make data sync fail immediately when there is an incorrect MIF. Enhances data sync functionality to fail the sync when an incorrect Model Instance Filter or Model Type List is detected.
  • EKB-4371: Add CLI command to show transaction worker usage by node. Adds a new CLI command “voss report transaction current-usage” to show the number of queued and processing transactions per node.
  • EKB-4642: Improve RIS API data collection performance. Improves RIS API data collection performance. To disable the service, Activate Phone Status Service must be unchecked in Global settings.
  • EKB-4666: Implement list operation to refresh status and IP address for a list of phones. Adds status operation to SubscriberPhone list views to fetch phone registration information on request. Access to the new operation is configurable via standard access profiles.
  • EKB-5143: Drop the CACHE collection during the upgrade. The obsolete CACHE collection is cleared during upgrade.


  • EKB-4824: Implement Linux Out of Memory config to protect and prioritize. Introduces a mitigation measure that protects the database and docker processes from being terminated by the operating system’s Out of Memory manager.
  • EKB-4964: Include install logs in log collect. Enhances the log collect command to include install and provisioning logs that are required for offline diagnostic purposes.

Business Admin Portal

  • EKB-3930: Add sub-transaction ID in the sub-transaction list. Adds the sub-transaction ID to the table the transaction log

Defects Fixed: Detail


  • EKB-3449: Updating Self Service Passwords for CUCM synced LDAP Users attempts to update UC App passwords, but fail with error message. Fixes an issue where Self-service incorrectly attempts to update CUC and CUCM user passwords when a CUCM-LDAP synced end user is prompted to change password on login to VOSS-4-UC. The password change fails resulting in the end user failing to update the PIN until they log out and log back in.
  • EKB-4044: Cannot save a FMC ring schedule after installing latest Self-service minimal mode changes. Fixes an issue where saving of FMC ring schedules from Self-service does not apply the changes.
  • EKB-4159: Cannot modify mobile phone number (SNR/FMC) via Self-service if Answer Too Late timer is greater than Answer too Soon timer. Fixes an issue where it is not possible to modify Your Mobile Phone Number via Self-service if the Answer Too Late timer is greater than the Answer too Soon timer. 0 is a valid value for the Answer Too Late timer. Therefore, this check has been removed.
  • EKB-4233: Failing to save Time Schedule after recently updating it. Fixes an intermittent issue where Time Schedule updates from Self-service fail as a result of device overwrite errors.
  • EKB-4839: Self-service password reset does not work. Removes the duplicate prompt for current password from the Self-service reset password screen.
  • EKB-4979: Enabling Call Forward from Self-service removes CSS from Admin GUI view. Fixes an issue in Self-service where enabling or disabling Call Forwarding overwrites the related Call-Forward / Calling Search Space (CSS) settings.

Core Software

  • EKB-3128: Add support to set LDAP password in add/modify operations for OpenLDAP users. Fixes an issue where passwords were encoded incorrectly when Adding or Modifying users on an OpenLDAP/Imagicle server.
  • EKB-3452: ssl3_write_pending bad write retry error while adding line to large Line Group. Fixes an issue during HTTP communication with Cisco Unified Call Manager, where data payloads and headers are unicode formatted and cause SSL retry errors once the packet size exceeds a certain threshold. Note that this issue could not be reproduced in a lab environment. Therefore, the resolution is based on analysis of logs from the production environment where the issue occurred coupled with relevant literature about the problem.
  • EKB-3948: Unable to modify some CSF devices. Fixes an issue when a subscriber is modified via the bulk loader and the vendor config data of a phone associated to this user is in an unsupported format.
  • EKB-4134: Blacklist attribute for device/ldap/user contains incorrect entry for lastLogoff. Fixes spelling of blacklisted variable to prevent unnecessary transactions during LDAP Sync.
  • EKB-4147: Remove link in admin portal for ‘Preview the new portal! (Beta)’. Removes the link to the new beta interface from the Admin GUI.
  • EKB-4198: Slow performance when loading CUCM Application users. Fixes an issue where opening a CallManager Application User instance or a Subscriber instance will be affected with slow loading when a large number of Devices or Device Profiles have been associated with the Application User or Subscriber.
  • EKB-4203: Adding a user with apostrophe in username(Aposs’in) fails. Fixes an issue where adding a Subscriber fails when the name includes an apostrophe character.
  • EKB-4235: Update Subscriber fails with Device Overwrite error. Fixes an issue where API requests to update a Subscriber and related Phones/DeviceProfiles or SNR fail with a device overwrite error: lines.line.
  • EKB-4362: Update device/ldap/User blocked due to LDAP write-back failures on dSCorePropagationData and logonCount. Fixes an issue with LDAP user update failures on dSCorePropagationData and logonCount fields. The following fields will now be dropped from LDAP syncs:
    • photo, jpegPhoto, audio, thumbnailLogo, thumbnailPhoto, userCertificate, logonCount, adminCount, lastLogonTimestamp, whenCreated, uSNCreated, badPasswordTime, pwdLastSet, lastLogon, whenChanged, badPwdCount, accountExpires, uSNChanged, lastLogoff, dSCorePropagationData
  • EKB-4617: Subscriber list contains filter produces sub optimal query. Optimises Subscriber list view database queries for improved performance.
  • EKB-4643: Move User fails when moving User from Customer to Site when username contains special characters. Fixes an issue where moving a User from Customer to Site fails if the username contains special characters.
  • EKB-4664: Unity Connection does not return the complete User object via Rest API. Fixes an issue where Unity Connection returns partial user data on a list API call. This change introduces a second URI call in order to retrieve full data set.
  • EKB-4674: Admin Portal ignores characters after ‘@’ in username. Fixes an issue regarding a flaw in the username authentication when authenticating with a username that includes the ‘@’ character. The part of the username that comes after the ‘@’ character was completely ignored, resulting in a successful login (if the password given is correct) by matching only the part of the username that precedes the ‘@’ character.

    For example, a user with the username,, can login using a username such as, provided they provide the correct password. Further, a case of two users: user A (username:testuser, and user B (username:test.user, When user A, above tries to login using the email, the login will be rejected because the part after the ‘@’ character is ignored and since the part that precedes the ‘@’ character is user B’s username, supplying user B’s password even when using the email of user A, logs in user B. Conversely, user B can login by using user A’s email as username.

  • EKB-4712: Add or Update Remote Destination on CUCM 12.5.1SU1 and 11.5.1SU7 fails when User contains special characters like ‘. Add conditional handling of a Unified CM AXL API issue (CSCvo60162) where a single quote in ownerUserId is not handled on earlier versions of Unified CM for Add or Update of Remote Destinations. This issue has been fixed in certain Unified CM Service Updates.
  • EKB-4795: Device Rerouting Calling Search Space not set when using 10.5 AXL API. Fixes an issue where the Rerouting Calling Search Space value for a device is not provisioned on Unified CM when using version 10.5 of the AXL API.
  • EKB-4897: LDAP authentication errors not logged. Fixes an issue where error details are not captured in log files upon LDAP authentication failures.
  • EKB-5040: Installing the license super patch on all nodes at once can cause duplicate data models to exist in the database. Installing the license super patch on all nodes at the same time, instead of in sequence, can cause duplicates of the license data models to exist on the database. This fix removes any duplicate license data models that may exist in the database.


  • EKB-3853: Upgrading with the ISO image fails when an active PID is used by the upgrade that was previously used in an upgrade. Fixes an intermittent issue where platform upgrade fails when some configuration values are in an inconsistent state.
  • EKB-4040: SNMP trap “Too Many Concurrent Connections”. Removes the erroneous SNMP trap ‘Too Many Concurrent Connections’.
  • EKB-4274: App install installs old versions of packages after a delta upgrade. Fixes an issue where an old version of vmware tools is installed after a delta upgrade has been performed. Validation has been added to prevent the app install command from automatically installing older release versions of applications unless an older version is explicitly specified in the install command.
  • EKB-4569: Unbounded growth of backup signatures on the root filesystem. Fixes an issue where the root partition is filled up by cached copies of backups.
  • EKB-4758: mongodb not provisioned after restoring backup. Fixes an issue where after a backup restore, the system would still require a provision to get the system running.
  • EKB-4781: fails with error 32 during backup restore. Fixes an issue where if a previous restore failed, the system does not recover gracefully and all subsequent restores fail.

Workflow Templates

  • EKB-1496: For sites with SIPLocalGW, an admin-user can add more E164 (N:1) associations than the GW supports (if PrimaryE164 blank). This fix resolves an issue with the creation and removal of E164 Associations which exceed the total number supported by SIP Local Gateways created and associated at the related Site hierarchy.
  • EKB-2539: data/HcsDpSlcDAT model is not deleted when deleting a Site causing Add Site DialPlan to fail when re-using the same SiteCode. Fixes an issue where the Site Location Code is not removed when the Site is deleted. This causes a failure when adding Site Dial Plan for a new Site when re-using the same Code.
  • EKB-2888: Remove the workflow step to set ClusterID service parameter in UCM as part of update Cluster or sync. Fixes an issue where the Call Manager “ClusterID” Service Parameter is overwritten when Adding or Updating a CUCM Cluster.
  • EKB-3110: CUCM-LDAP imported user not rolled back if transaction fails. Fixes an issue where the device/cucm/User model is not purged during the rollback of a failed Quick Add Subscriber transaction, if the User was imported from CUCM during the transaction. This leaves the imported device/cucm/User model orphaned at Customer level for example.
  • EKB-3128: Add support to set LDAP password in add/modify operations for OpenLDAP users. Fixes an issue where passwords were encoded incorrectly when Adding or Modifying users on an OpenLDAP/Imagicle server.
  • EKB-3441: When disabling Presence on a Subscriber with Dual Mode for Iphone the Presence remains set to True. Fixes an issue where Presence was always shown as enabled when Cisco Dual Mode for iPhone device was associated to Subscriber.
  • EKB-3901: Business Admin Feature Permission for tool/Transactions override Business Admin Portal Profiles and Access Profile permissions. Fixes an issue where the permissions for tool/Transaction in the Base model instance of Business Admin Feature Permissions overrides the permissions set in Business Admin Portal Profiles and Access Profiles. Post installation ensure that BAP Users and Admin Users which require access to Transactions have the tool/Transaction permissions set correctly in their relevant Business Admin Portal Profile and Access Profile.
  • EKB-3975: Custom interfaces on a role - show only one version of the BAP profile name. Fixes an issue where duplicate Business Admin Portal profiles were listed as options in the custom interfaces dropdown on the role management page.
  • EKB-4053: UserOPS Workflows in QuickAddSubscriber and relationSubscriberPhone results in CUCM Purge of existing Phones. This fix resolves an issue with existing Phones being purged in a bulkload add operation and includes additional robustness checking for the removal of existing unassigned Phones via a Global Setting.
  • EKB-4055: Analog Gateway endpoints: GUIRule overwrites “Description” field with ANxxx value. Fixes an issue where the Description on an Analog Gateway Endpoint was being reverted to the default value when modifying the Endpoint.
  • EKB-4068: Voicemail: “Can’t Change” and “Does not Expire” settings not taking affect when set via relation/Voicemail page. Fixes an issue where the “Can’t Change” and “Does not Expire” settings are not set correctly for Pin and Password for a users’s voicemail account on Cisco Unity Connection.
  • EKB-4086: Disassociating an LBO gateway from a site leaves dial plan in place. Fixes an issue where Disassociating a SIP Local Gateway from a Site did not remove the Dial Plan elements that were added to the Unified CM when Associating the SIP Local Gateway to the Site.
  • EKB-4237: Logout User from Phones should only display a list of Users with Extension Mobility. Fixes an issue where the drop-down of Users on the “Logout User from Phones” page showed users with “Cisco Unified Mobility” enabled instead of Extension Mobility.
  • EKB-4521: Delete all services leaves behind the primary extension. If Primary Extension is configured, it will be removed as part of the Delete All Services action in BAP.
  • EKB-4555: Reassign Services: Fails with multiple instances of device/cuc/ImportUser in multicluster environment. This fix resolves an issue with Reassign Services failing when re-adding Voicemail for the target user when multiple CUCs exist for the Customer.
  • EKB-4751: Generic DialPlan: Target Call Manager Cluster field is blank in Dial Plan Maintenance view when breadcrumb is set to Site. Fixes an issue where the “Target Call Manager Cluster” field does not contain a value on the Dial Plan Maintenance page when the breadcrumb has been set to Site.
  • EKB-4772: Hierarchy Delete Site Failing on Dial Plan with Device Pools which contain MRGL and Local Route Groups. Fixes an issue where Device Pools which contain Media Resource Group List or Local Route Group references are not deleted when deleting a Site.
  • EKB-4852: Files uploaded via File Management should not be removed from gridfs when “Cleanup Uploaded Files” schedule is run. Fixes an issue where files uploaded via File Management utility were removed from the database when the “Cleanup Uploaded Files” schedule is run.
  • EKB-4884: Phone Update fails when Site does not have an associated CUC Voicemail Server. Fixes an issue when editing a phone fails with error message ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘lower’ if the site has no associated VM server.
  • EKB-4962: Skip import of device/cuc/ImportUser model for Subscriber if voicemail is not being added. Fixes an issue where a sync is performed against Cisco Unity Connection, for the specific user, when adding a Subscriber without voicemail, or updating Subscriber via Quick Add Subscriber.
  • EKB-5218: Lookup of CUC Timezone is not device specific when using TimeZone Filters. Fixes an issue where an added CUC Time Zone Filter code differs on multiple provisioned CUCs.
  • EKB-5239: Quick Add Subscriber fails at Linked Sites. Fixes an issue where adding or updating a subscriber via Quick Add Subscriber fails at a Linked Site.
  • EKB-5271: Auto Attendant Schedule Details do not display correctly if time is not in 15min increments. Fixes an issue where the dropdown for time selection on Schedule Detail was incremented in 15 minutes. This resulted in an incorrect value shown when the time was set manually on Unity Connection which is in 5 minute increments.

Business Admin Portal

  • EKB-3932: Transaction Custom date format should use the browser Language/Locale date format rather than US format. Makes date format browser locale-aware on the transaction filter popup.
  • EKB-3974: Transaction list should be displayed in a descending order. Fixes an issue where transactions were ordered from oldest to newest.
  • EKB-4075: Line Search feature does not display correctly when added as a Custom Feature. Fixes an issue with the display of the Line Search utility, view/LineSearch, when added to the Business Admin Portal as a Custom Feature.
  • EKB-4081: Reset PIN does not update the CUCM PIN setting. Fixes an issue with using the Pin / Password Reset quick action on the subscriber edit page in the Business Admin Portal.
  • EKB-4082: List view filter text does not support non-alphanumeric characters. Filtering now supports special characters.
  • EKB-4083: Subs fields for filtering in list and in search are not the same. Fixes an issue where the filter popup on the subscriber list page was allowing filter options for fields that do not support filtering.
  • EKB-4084: Filter is retained post session. List filters are no longer persisted between browser refreshes or login sessions.
  • EKB-4085: Transaction Filter issues. Fixes multiple issues with transaction list filters.
  • EKB-4188: Drop-downs in new portal do not support paging which results in slow performance loading options. Fixes an issue of slow loading performance when opening a drop-down containing more than 1000 results. A new table is opened to allow a user to search and paginate through the list.
  • EKB-4189: Reset PIN/Password intermittently renders incorrectly. Fixes an issue where not all fields were displayed when initially selecting a user in the Reset Password feature in the Business Admin Portal.
  • EKB-4221: Subscriber dashboard link missing from user list links. Fixes an issue where clicking on some counters on the subscriber dashboard in the Business Admin Portal resulted in poor list and form layouts.
  • EKB-4253: Moving between lists using global search is broken. Fixes an issue where searching for different entities while on the list page for another entity result in some data not showing correctly in the Business Admin Portal.
  • EKB-4313: Bulk add subscriber profile column issues. Fixes an issue where the Subscriber Profiles does not contain the correct list of Profiles
  • EKB-4315: Subscriber list does not refresh after updating a Subscriber. Fixes an issue where the Subscriber list does not refresh after performing an update on a Subscriber.
  • EKB-4316: Add subscriber should not show “true” in phone name field. Fixes an issue where the phone name on the Add Subscriber feature in the Business Admin Portal defaulted to “true”.
  • EKB-4317: Subscriber lists filter does not show filter options when reopened. Fixes an issue where the filter popup was not showing all filter fields when filtering on subscriber in the Business Admin Portal.
  • EKB-4318: Transaction log tab should be in a descending order. Fixes an issue where the transaction log messages are not shown in descending order.
  • EKB-4320: Field naming inconsistency for Username, UserID, Phone Name and Device Name. Fixes an issue where the Username and Phone Name fields were not named consistently on several pages.
  • EKB-4366: Order of overlay screens wrong. Fixes incorrect ordering of overlays on the subscriber edit page in the Business Admin Portal.
  • EKB-4470: Business Admin Portal Profile is missing “Update Agent” feature for Contact Center Express. Fixes an issue where the Business Admin Profile is missing the “Updated Agent” feature for Contact Center Express.
  • EKB-4486: Cannot add EM to an existing subscriber. Fixes an issue where adding the extension mobility service to a subscriber in the Business Admin Portal fails when selecting a feature template.
  • EKB-4487: Filter is not retained when navigating away from list view. Fixes an issue where the filter applied to a list view is not retained when navigating away and then back to the same list view.
  • EKB-4488: Bulk add subscriber fails with invalid phone name. Fixes an issue where the auto-generated phone name is not being set correctly.
  • EKB-4489: 19.3.1 patches displayed incorrectly in BAP. Fixes summary text displayed for list of patches in the About - Extended Version page.
  • EKB-4507: Line Call Forwarding updates for CFNA, CFB, CFNR does not set Internal Call Forwarding Destinations. Fixes an issue where only the External Call Forward values for No Answer, Busy and Not Registered were exposed in the default Line FDP.
  • EKB-4517: Add Subscriber shouldn’t allow selection of existing Subscribers. Removes the ability to use the “Add Subscriber from Profile” tool for existing users.
  • EKB-4520: Reset PIN-Password does not allow selection of the User. Fixes an issue with the Reset Pin / Password tool on the Business Admin Portal dashboard where the username dropdown is hidden. This happens after using the reset password tool on the subscriber edit page for any user.
  • EKB-4618: Removing Call Forward setting does not take affect when Voicemail Enabled, Destination and CSS are set to blank. Call Forward No Answer, Call Forward Busy and Call Forward Not Registered fields can be set to blank and the checkbox’s can be unchecked
  • EKB-4652: Hunt Group: Forward No Answer is shown in Summary attributes but not manageable. Fixes an issue where the Call Forward values were not exposed in the default Hunt Group Field Display Policy.
  • EKB-4713: Adding SNR via BAP does not enable the “Enable Single Number Reach” checkbox on the Remote Destination. Fixes an issue where the “Enable Single Number Reach” checkbox is not enabled when adding Single Number Reach from the Business Admin Portal interface
  • EKB-4714: Cancelling NDL choice screen for hunt or pickup group hangs. Fixes an issue where nothing happens when canceling the NDL choice popup.
  • EKB-4906: Cannot navigate from Site page back to Site management dashboard. Fixes an issue where it is not possible to navigate back to the Site Management Dashboard from the Site page.
  • EKB-4908: Line Usage disappears when logging out and back in. Fixes an issue where the Line Usage info no longer displays on a Line on Logout and subsequent Login
  • EKB-4920: Counter on Site dashboard is empty. Fixes an issue where the counter on the Site dashboard does not contain any data.
  • EKB-4968: Unassigned Phones count not correct on Phones Dashboard. Fixes an issue where the Unassigned Phones count showed the incorrect value on the Phones Dashboard
  • EKB-4996: Updating a subscriber without a first name fails. Fixes an issue where updating a subscriber in the Business Admin Portal fails if no first name is set.
  • EKB-5090: Table component actions must be disabled if the array is disabled. Fixes an issue where it was possible to reorder, copy or delete rows while the table contents were actually disabled in the new portal.