Standard Rules

A standard rule is a series of ordered transformations. Each of these transformations is called an action. Each standard rule can have many actions that are run in a sequential fashion.



To open a standard rule, click on the name in the list.


Filters - these top-level filters allow you to limit the data that the Actions can operate on.


Any top-level filter(s) applied here will limit the data available to ALL of the Actions within that Rule.

Actions are made up of individual Filters and Operations.

Below shows what a the same rule looks like in Excel:


Rules created or edited in Excel can be uploaded via the GUI.


Each Action is made up of several components as follows:

  1. RED - These arrows can be used to change the order of the actions within a rule.

  2. GREEN - Change options view.

    Filters: apply filters to limit the data selected that the operation will apply to.


    Any filter(s) applied here will only apply to the corresponding Operation.

    Operation: choose what transformations are to take place and the cells of data that should be affected.

3. YELLOW - Select the operation that is to be performed on the data (such as replacing a string with other text).

5 PINK - Choose the field(s) that should have the operation performed on.

5. ORANGE - Input area(s) for entering the data that is to be stored in the selected field(s). The input area(s) will adjust to permit entry of any required values.


If entering a string, ensure Return is pressed to confirm entry.


The contents of another field can be selected by selecting from the drop-down.

Run, Delete or Change Batch

  1. To run a rule, click the play icon, then click Run.

  2. To delete a rule, click the red dustbin icon and click Delete.

  3. To reassign the rule to another batch, click the table icon and choose the batch from the drop-down menu.
