.. _insights-upgrade-steps: Upgrade ======== .. _23.1|EKB-13824: .. _22.2|EKB-13158: Pre Checks ---------- 1. Verify your access to the UI, then verify the application version via the profile menu (your username), for example, **admin** (top right). #. Verify available storage of the disk of the server, via system/stats dashboards. Backup VM Before Upgrade --------------------------------- If the application is a Virtual Machine (VM), then a pre-upgrade snapshot is recommended. Backup Dashboards before upgrades --------------------------------- 1. Log in to the UI as admin. #. Click on your profile name (top right). As super user, this is **admin**. #. From the drop-down, select **Import/Export Wizard**. #. Click the **Export** tab. #. Select all the dashboards. #. Click the **Export .lxtr** blue button on the top right. #. Click the **Download** button, then save to your local computer or a secure network location. Backup Arbitrator Before Upgrade --------------------------------- 1. Log in to the UI as admin. #. Select the System Configuration icon (spanner), then select the **Import & Export** icon (down arrow). #. Drag the following items from the **Configuration Items** pane to the **Export** pane: * Asset Entries * Asset Groups * Controls * Policy Modules * Probe Groups * Response Procedures .. image:: /src/images/VAA-upgrade-image3.png 4. Click **Export** |VAA-upgrade-image5| 5. Click **Download**, then save to your local computer or a secure network location. Admin Menu Backup (Arbitrator or Dashboard) ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1. Log in to server using *Putty* via the admin account. 2. From the admin account **Administration** menu: Arbitrator .. image:: /src/images/arb-cli-menu-administration.png or Dashboard .. image:: /src/images/dash-cli-menu-administration.png choose **Backup Restore**, and then choose **Create a backup**. .. image:: /src/images/arb-cli-menu-backup.png This backup creates a backup ``tar.bz2`` file in the ``lxt_archive/`` directory. If needed, then the **Administration** menu can be used to restore a selected backup. .. image:: /src/images/arb-cli-menu-restore.png .. note:: If any themes were present on the system, these are also backed up and will also be available from the restore list. .. image:: /src/images/arb-cli-restore-menu.png Upgrade Timings --------------- * Arbitrator = Approx 20-30 Mins * Dashboard = Approx 20-60 Mins Upgrade Method of Procedure (MOP) --------------------------------- 1. Using *Winscp* and the drop account, copy the file (example file for the arbitrator ``insights-arbitrator--.lxsp``) to the ``lxt_upgrade`` directory. #. Log in to server using *Putty* via the admin account. #. Select **Upgrade** from the admin menu. .. image:: /src/images/insights-upgrade-admin-upgrade-menu.png #. Select the **Check and Upgrade** option. .. image:: /src/images/insights-upgrade-check-and-upgrade.png Patch Install Steps ------------------------ 1. Using *Winscp* and the drop account, copy the file (example file for the arbitrator ``insights-arbitrator--.lxsp``) to the ``lxt_upgrade`` directory. #. Log on to the server using *Putty* and the admin user credentials #. Navigate down to **Upgrade** .. image:: /src/images/insights-upgrade-admin-upgrade-menu.png #. Select **Check and Upgrade**: |VAA-upgrade-image7| (Optional) Select **Perform Checksum** and enter the downloaded filename. This step will verify the downloaded file against its ``.sha256`` file. #. After the upgrade is complete, reboot the server and log in again to verify. Post Checks -------------- Check the system's version by selecting the **About** menu in the UI, for example: .. image:: /src/images/insights-upgrade-gui-about-menu.png or .. image:: /src/images/insights-upgrade-gui-about-menu-arb.png .. image:: /src/images/insights-upgrade-gui-about-version.png .. note:: If the version does not appear to be updated, then clear your browser's cache and reconnect. .. |VAA-upgrade-image4| image:: /src/images/VAA-upgrade-image4.png .. |VAA-upgrade-image5| image:: /src/images/VAA-upgrade-image5.png .. |VAA-upgrade-image7| image:: /src/images/VAA-upgrade-image7.png