.. _add-update-certificates: Add or Update Certificates -------------------------- .. _23.1|EKB-14447: Users can now update SSL Certificates and SSL keys from the Admin console menu. .. image:: /src/images/insights-network-config-apache-certs.png Add Certificates ............................. To add your own certificate, you will need both the certificate and private key. 1. SSH to the system using admin account 2. Select **Network Configuration** 3. Select **Apache Certs** 4. Select **Insert Cert** 5. Paste in customer certificate A certificate has the following header and footer :: --BEGIN CERTIFICATE-- --END CERTIFICATE-- .. image:: /src/images/insights-network-config-apache-certs-insert-cert.png 6. Select **Insert Private Key** 7. Paste in customer private key A private key has the following header and footer :: --BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-- --END PRIVATE KEY-- .. image:: /src/images/insights-network-config-apache-certs-insert-new-priv-key.png 8. Select **Display Cert Details** to view certificate details. 9. Select **Back** and exit the menu. 10. Refresh the browser. The system should be using the new certificate. Update Certificates ................................... If you want to generate a new unsigned certificate or to reset a certificate and private key: 1. SSH to the system using admin account 2. Select **Network Configuration** 3. Select **Apache Certs** 4. Select **Generate New Unsigned Cert** 5. When prompted, fill in the information requested. .. image:: /src/images/insights-network-config-apache-certs-new-prompt.png 6. Select **Back** and exit the menu. 7. Refresh browser. The system should be using the new unsigned certificate.