Install Dashboard System ------------------------- #. Access the Dashboard Server: ``admin``/``admin`` #. In the top banner bar click on admin, then click on **Import/Export Wizard**. |bbe1408f39780047| 3. Click on **Choose file**, then navigate to the file you wish to import (dashboard files have the ``.lxtr`` file extension) then click **OK**. |4c11861350735bba| 4. Ensure your file is visible adjacent to **Choose file**, then click **Upload**. |37a83a0f1c6b3453| 5. Your file will then upload, and you will see the below --- click **OK**. |355776acfedc8489| 6. Log in to the Dashboard CLI as ``admin``/``admin``. #. Navigate down to **Voss - Force Collection** and click **OK**. This will then sync VOSS Automate data into the dashboard. |c438cf8e7ee4093d| .. |bbe1408f39780047| image:: /src/images/bbe1408f39780047.png .. |4c11861350735bba| image:: /src/images/4c11861350735bba.png .. |37a83a0f1c6b3453| image:: /src/images/37a83a0f1c6b3453.png .. |355776acfedc8489| image:: /src/images/355776acfedc8489.png .. |c438cf8e7ee4093d| image:: /src/images/c438cf8e7ee4093d.png