.. _assurance-reports: Reports ------- .. _SP58|Last 12 hours reports.: .. _SP62|Scheduled Reports can now be scheduled to output Excel workbooks.: .. _22.2|EKB-13639: .. _22.2|EKB-11723: .. _22.2|EKB-11721: .. _22.2|EKB-11722: .. _23.1|EKB-15143: .. _23.2|EKB-16096: Overview .......... You can access the reports functionality via the Main Menu (hamburger icon) on the Dashboard toolbar. Click the **Reports** menu to open the Dashboard **Reports** page. .. image:: /src/images/dashboard-reports-menu.png Buttons at the top of the page allow you to trigger a schedule, to run a report, to delete a report, or to clone (copy) a report. .. note:: Cloning allows you to create a copy that you can customize to add new recipients or a different time zone, for example. The **Reports** page also provides options for scheduling and arranging dashboards into reports. .. image:: /src/images/dashboard-new-report.png The table describes options for working with reports: ============================ =================================================================== Plus icon (+) Click the Plus icon (+) at **Reports** to add a new report. Run To run a report manually, select the report, then click **Run**. In the **Print** dialog that displays, choose a date for the report, and click **Print** to run the query and generate the report. You can view the progress and details of the query as it runs, and when it's done, click **Download** to download the report so you can save it locally or to a network location. Clone To clone a report, select the relevant report, then click **Clone**. This allows you to create a new report based on settings in the cloned report. Trigger Schedule To manually trigger the schedule for a scheduled report, select the report, then click **Trigger Schedule**. For reports executed via a schedule, the system writes the report log details to the database (to the `lxt_perf_data` table). Event data display in a Dashboard widget ( `lxt_perf_data widget`), where you can view progress and print the details. ============================ =================================================================== .. rubric:: Related Topics * :ref:`dashboards` * :ref:`VAA-access-controls` Schedule and Arrange Dashboards into Reports ................................................. This procedure sets up reports. .. rubric:: Prerequisites: * In **Access Controls**, add users who may receive emailed reports, along with their email address. See :ref:`VAA-access-controls` * For emailed reports, if you need to set up an alternative IP address that will allow recipients to access the Dashboard to view reports in the Dashboard system via an IP address in the email notification sent to them: * Go to **Admin > Configuration**. * In the **Configuration Settings**, in the optional **sendmail_from_host** field, add an IP address to use as the URL for all emails that the system generates. See :ref:`VAA-dashboard-configuration` .. rubric:: To schedule and arrange dashboards into reports: 1. Click the left panel **Reports** menu to open the **Report Wizard**. 2. In the **Configure** tab, click the Plus icon **+** at **Reports** to add a new report. 3. In the **Report Name** field, give your new report a custom name. 4. Choose the output format. Options are PDF, CSV, JSON, or XLS. .. note:: Outputting to Excel workbooks (``.xls``) creates a new tab for each widget inside a single Excel workbook file. Configuration options on the page depend on the output format you choose. For example, only the PDF output format allows you to define widget layout per page. 5. At **Start Date** and **End Date**, select a start date, and report end date options. 6. At **Time Zone**, choose a time zone region and city. .. note:: The system uses a city library that represents most zone locations. If your city is unavailable, choose an option matching your required time zone. .. SP58 7. At **Report Interval**, choose the period to query data for the report. For example, **Last 12 hours**. 8. At **Repeats**, choose how often you want to repeat the running of this report. Options are: Never, Daily, Weekly, Monthly. 9. At **Descriptions Placement**, choose whether to display widget descriptions below the chart(s). 10. At **Widget Layout Per Page**, select the number of widgets to print on a page .. SP58 11. At **Users**, click the Plus icon (+) to add recipients (one or more), then select the users who should receive the report. .. note:: Non-admin users can also add other users to reports. 12. At **Destination**, choose whether to: * only display the report on the GUI: **Display only**, i.e. no destination * send the report via **Email** * send the report via **SFTP** .. note:: Reports can be sent via SFTP to a host destination. 13. Under **File name option**, if the **Override default File name** checkbox is selected, report filename options are available to include the username, date and time (``HH_mm_ss``) with the name (separated by an underscore ``_``). .. image:: /src/images/Insights-dashb-reports-filename-options.png * The date format is obtained from the User Settings: (``MMM-D-YY`` or ``D-MMM-YY``) 14. At **Transform**, choose formatting options. For the output format you chose (PDF, CSV, JSON, or XLS), define whether to transform epoch to formatted time, and if your selected file output format is CSV, you can also define whether to remove backend formatting in the generated CSV file. .. note:: If you've chosen the option to remove backend formatting (CSV output only), then all data in the CSV (each cell) will have minimum formatting applied. This speeds up file generation for reports, and when you wish to download a CSV file (via a dashboard widget). This option is thus useful for large files. .. image:: /src/images/dashboard-reports-transform.png 15. At **Dashboards**, drag the dashboards you want to include in the report, to the **Selected Dashboards** field. 16. At **Summary Page**, use the text editor to design a summary page (including images) that will be placed at the top of the report. 17. Click **Save**. .. note:: Now you can manually run the report, or you can click **Trigger Schedule** to generate the report at the predefined schedule value. If you've chosen to email the report, the report is emailed to the recipient you specified in **Users** on the **Reports** page. Email recipients click the link in the email to open the report in the format you specified, and at the specified IP address - either the default, or a value you provided. .. image:: /src/images/dashboard-reports-page.png