.. _managing-a-widget: Managing Widgets ----------------- .. _SP63|Enhancement. The "All data" option will take global filters into consideration.: .. _SP65|Widget data download can first be filtered.: .. _22.2|EKB-11736: .. _22.2|EKB-13733: .. _23.1|EKB-14909: Overview ........... Dashboards contain a number of editable widgets, for which you can configure the look and feel, and the data presented in each widget, in a **Widget Editor**. .. image:: /src/images/analytics-managing-widget.png Widget editing options depend on the configuration of the selected widget. The table describes the possible **Widget Options** menu options: .. SP60, SP63 .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}| +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Option | Description | +====================================+======================================================================+ | Refresh Data | Performs a manual refresh of the data from the database. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Edit Separators | Opens a separate page where you can select one or more separators | | | that you want to use on your widget, i.e. Left, Right, Top, Bottom | | | or All. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Save Chart | (Only available if the Widget is a Chart). Saves any widget to your | | | desktop as a ``.svg`` file. This file can then be imported into | | | documents for custom reporting. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Edit Widget | Opens up the widget editor, where you can edit the data and the | | | analysis of the data that is represented on the widget. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Clone Widget | Creates a copy of the widget, which you can then modify to meet the | | | specific data analysis needed. This is much quicker than creating a | | | brand new widget/dashboard. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Remove Widget | Deletes the widget from the dashboard. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Move Widget | Launches a tree of all the folders and dashboards in the system. | | | Simply choose the folder and click on the dashboard destination you | | | want. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Download CSV | Downloads the underlying data (chart or table) to ``.csv``, which | | | you can save to your computer. The data will be pulled based on the | | | time selected in the time-bar. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Download CSV - All data | Choosing "All data" downloads all of the table data in that widget | | | (regardless of the time set in the time-bar) to a ``.csv`` file that | | | you can save to your local computer. The "All data" option takes | | | global filters into consideration. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Download Excel Workbook | (Only available if the Widget is a Table.) Downloads the table data | | | to an Excel file that you can save to your local computer. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Download Excel Workbook - All data | (Only available if the Widget is a Table.) Downloads *all* the table | | | data to an Excel file that you can save to your local computer. The | | | "All data" option takes global filters into consideration. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: You can *filter* data in a widget before downloading a file option. Use the **Search** function of the widget. The downloaded file would then *only* contain the filtered data. .. image:: /src/images/VAA-filter-download.png Widget Editor ............... To edit a widget, click the cog icon (Widget Options) at the top right on the widget, to display a menu with options for managing widgets. Select **Edit Widget** to open the **Widget Editor**, which provides options for configuring data resources, settings for configuring how data displays, and drill down options. Configuring a widget in this way provides several powerful data analysis options. You can select the following tabs on this screen to configure the widget: * :ref:`widget-editor-resource-tab` * :ref:`widget-editor-settings-tab` * :ref:`widget-editor-drill-down-tab` .. image:: /src/images/widget-editor-resources-tab.png The right pane in the Widget Editor displays data based on the widget configuration. .. note:: If the widget you open for editing contains pre-existing configuration and data, this data displays in the chart pane without running additional queries. This means that you can view configuration changes immediately, based on pre-existing data. The chart pane contains the following configuration options: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{5cm}|p{10cm}| +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Configuration | Description | +================================+=============================================================+ | Date range calendar | Select a date range for the data you wish to analyze. | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Overwrite Dashboard Date Range | Define whether to allow the widget date range to overwrite | | | the dashboard date range. | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Auto Query | Define whether to allow automatic queries. If you have this | | | setting enabled, the system automatically runs the query to | | | refresh data when you update the widget configuration. | | | Disable this setting to limit the number of queries, and to | | | only run the query manually once you complete the | | | configuration. In this case, you'll click the **Query** | | | button to run the query when you're ready to do so. | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ .. _widget-editor-resource-tab: Resource Tab '''''''''''''''' This tab configures the widget's data sources, search definitions, fields, filters, and sorting. .. image:: /src/images/widget-editor-resources-tab.png The table describes the fields on the **Resource** tab: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}| +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Field | Description | +======================+======================================================================+ | Data Source | This drop-down lists all the databases to which the VOSS Insights | | | platform has access. This can be its local database or it can | | | contain multiple databases. You can find details for adding new data | | | sources elsewhere in this guide. | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Resource | Click the **Edit Resources** button to display/hide this | | | drop-down, which contains the list of existing definitions. | | | | | | When editing an existing widget within a dashboard, the default name | | | is the search definition used for that dashboard. However you can | | | use this to pull data onto a widget from any defined search | | | definition, thus creating a dashboard of widgets that analyze data | | | from multiple data sources (Ex: Firewall, DNS, Router, Application) | | | | | | From SP66, new data definitions are also available for: | | | | | | * VOSS Automate MSgraph, MSteams, and Spark objects (search for | | | ``msgraph``, ``msteams``, ``spark``). | | | * Webex API data (search for ``webex``). | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Fields | Drag and drop fields here (from **Definitions**) that | | | you want to analyze on the widget. You can add as many fields as | | | required to a single widget. | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Definitions | Click the **Edit Resources** button to display/hide this | | | field. | | | | | | Definitions are categorized by type (Text fields, Integer fields, | | | Float fields, Epoch Date fields, Calculated fields, and Filter Only | | | fields), based on the data type extracted from the search | | | definitions previously created and associated with the widget. | | | | | | First choose a definition in the **Resource** drop-down to filter | | | the field types and fields associated with the definition, then you | | | can drag the required fields into the **Fields** panel on the left. | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Filters | Allows you to set a filter definition for the widget. For example, | | | filter only on values greater than 200. These filters allow the | | | widget to be created to provide analysis of the data based on the | | | specific context. | | | | | | Drag and drop fields here that you want to use as filters (from | | | **Definitions**). | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Additional Sorting | Allows you to set the starting order for fields that appear in a | | | table. Using this field allows the column sort to be pre-set based | | | on the fields dropped into this panel. | | | | | | Drag and drop fields here, from **Definitions**. | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: Where dates are listed, the zero (0) value is not interpreted and shown as Jan. 1, 1970, but simply as 0. .. _widget-editor-settings-tab: Settings Tab '''''''''''''' This tab defines settings for charts on the widget, including the chart title, a description, the series limit, and the chart type. You can also define chart colors. Additional configuration fields on the tab are based on the chart type you choose. .. image:: /src/images/widget-editor-settings-tab.png .. _widget-editor-drill-down-tab: Drilldown Tab '''''''''''''''' This tab defines the drill-down field behavior and allows you to choose the fields that will display as drill-downs. .. image:: /src/images/widget-editor-drilldown-tab.png