.. _arb-network-observability: Network Observability ----------------------------------- .. _23.2|VOSS-1235: Overview ........... Network observability is configured on the Arbitrator as a set of probe scripts that collect and analyze data from the customer's network devices. .. note:: The probe scripts comprise a set of SNMP v2 scripts and a set of SNMP v3 scripts. Both v2 and v3 of the SNMP scripts perform the same function. The version you'll use depends on whether your device supports SNMP v2 or SNMP v3. Data is presented for analysis via read-only network observability reference dashboards in the Insights Dashboard system. The dashboards have read access to the database tables on Arbitrator, and allow you to determine in greater detail why alerts have occurred. .. rubric:: Related Topics * :ref:`arbitrator-probe-configuration` * :ref:`arbitrator-asset-configuration` * .. raw:: latex VOSS Reference Dashboards in the Dashboard Administration Guide .. raw:: html VOSS Reference Dashboards Configure Network Observability Probe Groups ............................................... This procedure configures network observability probe groups in Arbitrator. 1. Log in to the Arbitrator. 2. Click the toolbar Wrench icon to open the **System Configuration** interface. 3. Click the **Probes** icon to open the **Probe Configuration** page. 4. Click the Plus icon (+) at the bottom of the **Groups** panel to add the first probe group, then fill out a probe group name, and tab out of the field to add the probe group. .. important:: We have provided a recommended configuration of the following four probe groups, including a recommended naming convention and probe configuration parameters, in :ref:`arb-network-observability`: * Network Observability 5 min * Network Observability 10 min * Network Observability SNMP 10 min * Network Observability SNMP 5 min, For example, for the first probe group you add, you can use *Network Observability 5 min* as the probe group name. 5. Add the probes for the probe group you added. .. note:: It is recommended that you use the probe configuration parameters provided in the table, in :ref:`arb-network-observability`. * On the **Probes** panel, at **Select Category**, click the down-arrow, then select **Network Observability**. .. note:: Clear the **Custom** checkbox to display the **Select Category** drop-down. * Fill out the probe name. * Select the relevant script, based on the recommended configuration in :ref:`arb-network-observability`. * If relevant for the probe you're configuring, you will need to provide SNMP credentials. * Click the check icon to save the probe. .. image:: /src/images/arb-add-probe-group.png 6. Repeat these steps to add the rest of the probe groups and probes required for network observability, based on the settings provided in :ref:`arb-network-observability`. 7. Click **Save**. .. rubric:: Next steps: * Once you've set up the probe groups, the SNMP probe groups are applied to the device you're collecting data from. * Assign customers to assets. For details, see :ref:`arbitrator-asset-configuration` In order for the network observability probe groups to return useful data, the corresponding assets should have "customer" and "site" assignment. This is done via the **Asset Configuration** menu in Arbitrator. * In **Asset Configuration**, locate the Arbitrator (in the **Assets** panel). * Click on the wrench icon to configure the monitor profile. * Drag the relevant probe group into the **Templates/Profiles** panel, then click the wrench icon to set the frequency, as per the settings for the probe group in :ref:`arb-network-observability`. Repeat this step to add other probe groups, and to configure their frequency. * Click **Update**. .. _arb-network-obs-probe-group-config: Recommended Network Observability Probe Group Configuration ............................................................ This topic describes a recommended setup for the four probe groups required for optimal network observability. The table describes the recommended network observability probe group configuration: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}| +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Probe Group | Configuration | +=======================================+=============================================================+ | 1. Network Observability 5 min | There are two probes to set up for this probe group: | | | | | | 1. Network Observability Asset Impact | | | | | | This probe detects the impact of network | | | observability alarms on locations. | | | | | | * Scripts to use with this probe: | | | | | | * ``netob-asset-impact-assessment.sh`` | | | | | | * Category: Network Observability | | | * Parameters: N/A | | | * Applied to: Arbitrator | | | * Frequency: 5 minutes | | | * Credentials: N/A | | | | | | 2. Network Observability Interface Event Detections | | | | | | This probe detects the interface counter changes for | | | discards and errors. | | | | | | * Script to use with this probe: | | | | | | * ``netob-alarm-probe-interface-stats.sh`` | | | | | | * Category: Network Observability | | | * Parameters: Use defaults, unless customization is | | | required. | | | * Applied to: Arbitrator | | | * Frequency: 5 minutes | | | * Credentials: N/A | +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2. Network Observability 10 min | This probe group contains one probe. The probe detects the | | | cbqoscm counter changes. | | | | | | * Probe name: Network Observability CB QoS Event Detections | | | * Script to use with this probe: | | | | | | * ``netob-alarm-probe-cbqoscm-stats.sh`` | | | | | | * Category: Network Observability | | | * Parameters: Use defaults, unless customization is | | | required. | | | * Applied to: Arbitrator | | | * Frequency: 10 minutes | | | * Credentials: N/A | +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3. Network Observability SNMP 10 min | This probe group contains one probe. The probe is used for | | | netob-cisco-cbq-mib-stats-snmpv3 collection for group01. | | | | | | * Probe name: Network Observability CBQ | | | * Script to use with this probe - either of the following: | | | | | | * ``netob-cisco-cbq-mib-stats-snmpv3.sh`` | | | * ``netob-cisco-cbq-mib-stats-snmpv2c.sh`` | | | | | | * Category: Network Observability | | | * Parameters: Supply appropriate credentials, where | | | applicable. | | | * Applied to: Asset | | | * Frequency: 10 minutes | | | * Credentials: SNMP | +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}| +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Probe Group | Configuration | +=======================================+=============================================================+ | 4. Network Observability SNMP 5 min | This probe group contains one probe. The probe is used for | | | netob-ifmib-interface-stats-snmpv3 collection for group01. | | | | | | * Probe name: Network Observability Interface | | | * Script to use with this probe - either of the following: | | | | | | * ``netob-ifmib-interface-stats-snmpv3.sh`` | | | * ``netob-ifmib-interface-stats-snmpv2c.sh`` | | | | | | * Category: Network Observability | | | * Parameters: Supply appropriate credentials, where | | | applicable. | | | * Applied to: Asset | | | * Frequency: 5 minutes | | | * Credentials: SNMP | +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+