.. _insights-cloud-installation: Cloud Installation ------------------ The VMWare specification and requirements for each product can be used as guidelines when preparing for cloud installations. For example, for the example minimum sizes below, the VM specifications are best matched by the cloud VM types indicated: * Google Cloud products ========== ================= ====================== Product Size Cloud VM Specification ========== ================= ====================== Arbitrator < 5k users n2-standard-8 Dashboard < 10k users n2-standard-8 Raptor N/A custom DS-9 < 1,000 flows/sec n2d-standard-16 ========== ================= ====================== * Amazon Web Services ========== ================= ====================== Product Size Cloud VM Specification ========== ================= ====================== Arbitrator < 5k users t2.2xlarge Dashboard < 10k users t2.2xlarge Raptor N/A t2.small DS-9 < 1,000 flows/sec m6g.4xlarge ========== ================= ====================== * Microsoft Azure ========== ================= ====================== Product Size Cloud VM Specification ========== ================= ====================== Arbitrator < 5k users B8ms Dashboard < 10k users B8ms Raptor N/A B1ms DS-9 < 1,000 flows/sec D16 v5 ========== ================= ======================