Insights Analytics Quickstart ------------------------------ Insights Analytics Setup Overview ................................... .. index:: Flowchart;Insights Analytics Setup Overview .. include:: ../Insights-dashboard-start-flowchart.uml Dashboard Setup .................. .. index:: Flowchart;Insights Dashboard for Analytics Setup .. include:: ../dashboard-quickstart-flowchart.uml Arbitrator Setup .................. .. index:: Flowchart;Insights Arbitrator for Analytics Setup .. include:: ../arbitrator-quickstart-flowchart.uml Dashboard Integrations ...................... .. index:: Flowchart;Insights Dashboard Integrations for Analytics Setup .. include:: ../dashboard-analytics-integration-flowchart.uml Analytics Solution Documentation ................................... .. raw:: html
Insights Analytics Install Guide Guide to Dashboard download and setup instructions for new installs and upgrade, port requirements, sizing, cloud installs, and licensing
Dashboard and Arbitrator Maintenance and Upgrade Guide Guide to Dashboard and Arbitrator backup and upgrade.
Arbitrator Install Guide Guide to Arbitrator download instructions for new installs and upgrades, upgrade steps, port requirement, VM and Cloud sizing and install steps, instructions for deployment, networking, database, and system setup, how to add certificates, and CUCM asset onboarding.
Dashboard Administration Guide Instructions for Dashboard licensing, use and configuration.
Arbitrator Administration Guide Instructions for installing Arbitrator license files, system configuration and use, and backup and restore steps.
Windows Forwarder Install Guide Guide to installing and configuring Windows Forwarder (optional component) for the Insights Analytics solution.
Additional Reference Documentation '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .. raw:: html
Insights Application Compatibility Matrix VOSS Insights Application compatibility, including tested browser and VM versions.
VOSS Insights Application Release Notes Latest release notes for the VOSS Insights product.
Dashboard API Guide API reference document for Insights Dashboard.
Arbitrator API Guide API reference document for Insights Arbitrator.
VOSS Insights Platform Guide A guide to VOSS Insights platform commands.
.. raw:: html

Download archive

.. raw:: latex \begin{itemize} \item {} Dashboard Release Notes \item {} Compatibility Matrix \item {} Dashboard Install Guide \item {} Dashboard and Arbitrator Maintenance and Upgrade Guide \item {} Dashboard Administration Guide \item {} Dashboard API Guide \item {} Platform Guide \end{itemize} .. raw:: latex \begin{itemize} \item {} Arbitrator Release Notes \item {} Compatibility Matrix \item {} Arbitrator Install Guide \item {} Dashboard and Arbitrator Maintenance and Upgrade Guide \item {} Arbitrator Administration Guide \item {} Arbitrator API Guide \item {} Platform Guide \end{itemize} .. raw:: latex \begin{itemize} \item {} VOSS Insights Windows Forwarder Install Guide \end{itemize}