.. _default-dashboards: VOSS Reference Dashboards ------------------------------ .. _SP66|New dashboards for VOSS Automate MSgraph, MSteams, and Spark.: .. _SP66|New dashboards for Webex API data.: .. _SP25|Support added to probe Polycom phones API (Requires Dashboard SP66 Release for visualization).: .. _22.1|EKB-12137: .. _22.1|EKB-11561: .. _22.1|EKB-11623: .. _22.1|EKB-12135: .. _21.3|VOSS-963: .. _21.3|VOSS-987: .. _23.1|VOSS-1135: .. _23.1|EKB-15202: .. _23.1|VOSS-1055: .. _23.1|VOSS-1028: Overview ........... VOSS Insights Dashboard ships with a collection of standard, read-only, reference dashboards. To access the reference dashboards, click the hamburger icon |main-menu-icon| to open the **Dashboards** pane, then expand the **VOSS reference** folder. The dashboards are organized in several sub-folders. While you can't edit, delete, or move the reference dashboards (or their folders), you can clone (copy) any of these dashboards, then modify the clone to create new, custom dashboards that meet your requirements. .. note:: Dashboards are based on search definitions that extract data from one or more fields. These may be predefined search definitions that ship with the default dashboards, or definitions that you set up to create custom views of the data to meet the needs of your organization. .. image:: /src/images/voss-reference-dashboards.png .. important:: The VOSS reference dashboards described in this topic is the standard set shipped with Insights v23.1. The VOSS reference dashboards collection may change at each software release. As at Insights 23.1, the following collections are included: * :ref:`alerts-default-dashboards` * :ref:`call-analysis-default-dashboards` * :ref:`call-quality-default-dashboards` * :ref:`cloud-video-default-dashboards` * :ref:`compliance-default-dashboards` * :ref:`inventory-default-dashboards` * :ref:`performance-default-dashboards` * :ref:`voss-analytics-default-dashboards` .. rubric:: Related Topics * .. raw:: latex Introduction to Dashboards in the Dashboards Administration Guide. .. raw:: html Introduction to Dashboards * .. raw:: latex Custom Dashboards in the Dashboards Administration Guide. .. raw:: html Custom Dashboards * .. raw:: latex Creating a Probe in the VOSS Insights Arbitrator Administration Guide. .. raw:: html Creating a Probe * .. raw:: latex Assigning a Probe to an Asset in the VOSS Insights Arbitrator Administration Guide. .. raw:: html Assigning a Probe to an Asset * .. raw:: latex Introduction in the Dashboards Administration Guide. .. raw:: html Introduction * .. raw:: latex Log Search in the Dashboards Administration Guide. .. raw:: html Log Search .. _alerts-default-dashboards: Alerts Dashboards ...................... VOSS Insights provides the following reference dashboards for alerts: * All Alerts Overview * Alternate Alert View * Certificate Alarms (Cisco) * Customer Alarms details * Global Alarm Tiered Analysis * Policy Dashboard * Service Impacting Alarms Detail .. _call-analysis-default-dashboards: Call Analysis Dashboards ........................... VOSS Insights provides the following reference dashboards for call analysis: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}| +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Folder | Reference Dashboards | +===================+==================================================+ | SBC | * Audiocodes | | | * Audiocodes API | | | * Metaswitch | +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | SIP - E1 | * Call Analysis All | | | * Cisco Call Detail - Cause Code Analysis | | | * CUCM Route Pattern Analysis | | | * Jabber Stats | | | * SIP Trunk / Gateway Status | +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: Audiocodes dashboards display performance data collected via SNMP and the API from collection scripts and probes on the Arbitrator, providing support for SBC and Gateway, and allowing Audiocodes-specific alerting. .. _call-quality-default-dashboards: Call Quality Dashboards .......................... VOSS Insights provides the following reference dashboards for call quality: * Call Performance and Voice Quality * CUCM Voice Quality Site Performance .. _cloud-video-default-dashboards: Cloud & Video Collaboration Dashboards ........................................ VOSS Insights provides the following reference dashboards for cloud and video collaboration: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}| +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Folder | Reference Dashboards | +======================+==================================================+ | MS Graph Teams Data | | | | * MSTeams Media Data | | | * MSTeams Participant Data | | | * MSTeams Segments Data | | | * MSTeams Session Data | | | * MSTeams Streams Data | | | * 0365 Users | | | * Teams Devices | | | * Teams Groups | | | * Teams Headsets | | | * Teams Health Overview | | | * Teams Issues | | | * Teams Teamwork Devices | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Pexip | * Pexip Capacity Management Reports | | | * PexIP End-to-End Conference Status | | | * PexIP End-to-End Conference Trend Correlation | | | * Pexip Historical Call Report | | | * Pexip Performance Reports | | | * Pexip Real-time Reporting | | | * PexIP with SFB End-to-End Conference Details | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Polycom | Reports on the health and status of Polycom | | | meeting room devices for audio and video | | | conferencing. For example, Polycom Device Status | | | provides a system, software, and audio dashboard | | | for Polycom devices. | | | | | | * Polycom Connections | | | * Polycom Device Status | | | * Polycom Device Status Overview | | | * Polycom other information | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Webex | * Meetings (subfolder) | | | | | | * Meetings Quality | | | * Meetings Who joined | | | * Participant Summary | | | | | | * Devices | | | * Licenses | | | * Locations | | | * People | | | * Webex Calling | | | * Webex Insights | | | * Webex Security | | | | | | Webex dashboards can be used if your Arbitrator | | | is configured for Webex. | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}| +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Folder | Reference Dashboards | +======================+==================================================+ | Zoom | * Zoom Additional Details Dashboard | | | * Zoom Client Satisfaction | | | * Zoom Meeting Participants Detail | | | * Zoom Meeting Participants QoS | | | * Zoom Meeting Telephony Details | | | * Zoom Meetings | | | * Zoom Meetings / Webinars QoS | | | * Zoom Plan Usage | | | * Zoom Webinar Detail | | | * Zoom Webinars Participants QoS | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ .. image:: /src/images/voss-ref-dashboard-polycom.png .. image:: /src/images/voss-ref-dashboard-webex.png Using the MS Graph Teams Data Dashboards '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' VOSS reference dashboards for Microsoft Teams Calls/Teams Room use Graph API for monitoring. The dashboards display data as graphs and charts, and then displays the same data in tables (at the bottom of each dashboard), so that you can print the information in the tables, in an easily readable format. .. note:: Before you can use the MS Graph Teams Data dashboards to collect and display Microsoft Teams data, you'll need to configure the Microsoft tenant (on Microsoft); that is, to register the application and obtain a customer tenant ID, client secret, and client ID. You will need these details to input on the Arbitrator when enabling MS Teams monitoring (via **Archive Management > Configuration Management > API Config > MS Teams Config**). See the *Configuration* section in the Arbitrator Administration Guide for further details. .. image:: /src/images/voss-ref-dashboard-msgraph.png .. rubric:: MSTeams Media Data Dashboard This dashboard provides statistics on media for all calls, including: * Video calls over time * Audio calls over time * VBS calls over time * Wifi signal strength over time * Send/receive quality ratio over time * Events over time * Concealed samples over time * Audio degradation over time * Packet loss percentage over time .. image:: /src/images/msteams-media-data.png .. rubric:: MSTeams Participant Data Dashboard This dashboard collects and displays participant data, for example, top participants, and the number of calls per participant. .. rubric:: MSTeams Segments Data Dashboard This dashboard collects and displays detailed call data (for caller and callee), and whether calls are internal or outside of the tenant you have set up. .. rubric:: MSTeams Session Data Dashboard This dashboard collects and displays session data, such as top ten callers, top ten called, user agents (the platform used, such as Windows or Android), .. image:: /src/images/ms-teams-session-data-dashboard.png .. rubric:: MSTeams Streams Data Dashboard This dashboard collects and displays data such as the number of call streams that have gone out, caller to caller count, the codecs used, and round trip times (RTT). .. image:: /src/images/ms-teams-streams-data-dashboard.png .. rubric:: 0365 Users Dashboard This dashboard displays details for your 0365 users, including the number of 0365 users you have, their provisioning and other details. .. image:: /src/images/ms-0365-users-dashboard.png .. rubric:: Teams Devices Dashboard This dashboard provides details for the devices deployed in your environment, including devices per user, operating systems, and registration details. .. image:: /src/images/ms-teams-devices-dashboard.png .. rubric:: Teams Groups Dashboard This dashboard collects data about enabled and disabled users, operating systems in use and their versions. .. image:: /src/images/ms-teams-groups-dashboard.png .. rubric:: Teams Headsets Dashboard This dashboard collects and displays data about the headsets in use, including device name and type, by caller and callee. You can click on a device to view further details, such as whether any issues are detected on the device. .. image:: /src/images/ms-teams-headsets-dashboard.png .. rubric:: Teams Health Overview Dashboard This dashboard collects hourly data from Microsoft to report on the health of apps and data on the remote Microsoft site, for example, service degradation is reported. .. image:: /src/images/msteams-health-overview-dashboard.png .. rubric:: Teams Issues Dashboard This dashboard detailed historical data for any teams issues. .. image:: /src/images/msteams-issues-dashboard.png .. rubric:: Teams Teamwork Devices Dashboard This dashboard displays MS Teams Rooms data, including configured rooms, software health status and activity status, type of Teams devices, and hardware models in use. .. image:: /src/images/msteams-rooms-dashboard.png .. _compliance-default-dashboards: Compliance Dashboards .......................... VOSS Insights provides the following reference dashboards for compliance: * Cisco CUC Voicemail * Cisco CUCM Compliance * Cisco CUCM Health Check * Cisco Smart License clone Using the Cisco Smart License Dashboard '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' The Cisco Smart License dashboard is a VOSS reference dashboard that you can clone to create a new, custom dashboard for monitoring reports to support license management for Cisco Smart Licensing. For example, to view details for license types and products, to monitor license status and usage over time, and to manage capacity and license costs. .. rubric:: To set up and use this dashboard: 1. In Arbitrator, add and configure the following probe for Cisco Smart License: ``getCiscoSmartLicense`` .. image:: /src/images/credential-configuration.png .. image:: /src/images/monitor-profile.png .. image:: /src/images/probe-configuration.png 2. In Arbitrator, attach the probe to the relevant asset. .. note:: The `getCiscoSmartLicense` probe for this dashboard ships with VOSS Insights. Once configured and assigned to the device you wish to monitor, the probe gathers Cisco Smart License data via Cisco Cloud Smart License API. You can view the data via the Cisco Smart License dashboard. 3. In VOSS Insights Dashboard, in the **Dashboards** panel, select the custom dashboard you created (based on the VOSS reference Compliance dashboard for Cisco Smart License). View data in the dashboard, which provides further options for configuring filters and time periods for the data you wish to view. Using the Cisco CUCM Health Check Dashboard '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' You can create a clone of the VOSS reference compliance dashboard, Cisco CUCM Health Check, for reporting on the following data: * Software versions * DHCP * DNS * NTP status * SSH status * Telnet status * Web GUI timeout * CUCM Diag status * DB replication .. rubric:: To set up and use this dashboard: 1. In Insights Arbitrator, configure the following probes to gather status data from Cisco UCM (CUCM): ===================================== ================================================================= Probe Commands to run to gather data ===================================== ================================================================= ``getCiscoCucmConfig`` * ``show status`` * ``show network eth0`` * ``show webapp session timeout`` * ``utils ntp status`` ``ciscoCucmServiceStatus`` * ``utils service list`` ``ciscoCucmDiagTest`` * ``utils diagnose test`` ``ciscoCucmDbRep`` * ``utils dbreplication runtimestate`` ``ciscoCucmDisasterRecoverHistory`` * ``utils disaster_recovery history backup`` ===================================== ================================================================= 2. In VOSS Insights Dashboard, select your custom dashboard (based on the VOSS reference dashboard, **Cisco UCM Health Check**), and view data. The dashboard screen provides further options for configuring filters and time periods for the data you wish to view, based on these predefined definitions: * arbitrator_cisco_cucm_config * arbitrator_cisco_cucm_diagtest * arbitrator_cisco_cucm_dbrep * arbitrator_cisco_cucm_services * arbitrator_cisco_cucm_disaster_recovery_history | You can run the following reports based on the dashboard data: * Pub/Sub/TFTP uptime * Diagnostic tests * NTP Status * Replication * Service status * Backup and disaster recovery * Platform availability .. _inventory-default-dashboards: Inventory Dashboards .......................... VOSS Insights provides the following reference dashboards for inventory: * Cisco Headset Summary * Device Inventory Dashboard * Phone Inventory * Gateways .. _performance-default-dashboards: Performance - Availability Dashboards ........................................ VOSS Insights provides the following reference dashboards for performance (availability): .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}| +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Folder | Reference Dashboards | +======================+==================================================+ | Availability | * System Uptime PING | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Cisco | Use the Cisco Performance dashboards to view | | | data on performance-related statistics for Cisco | | | devices: | | | | | | * Cisco CUCM RTMT data | | | * Cisco Expressway | | | * Cisco Gateways - Performance | | | * Cisco Smart License | | | * Cisco UCCX | | | * Cisco UCCX RTMT data | | | * CUCM Counters | | | * CUCM CPU & Memory Utilization | | | * CUCM Resource Summary | | | * CUCM Service Status | | | * UNITY Counters | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Insights | * Insights Components Arbitrator | | | * Insights Components Dashboard | | | * Insights Components DS9 | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | UCCE | * Cisco UCCE CUIC | | | * Cisco UCCE CVP | | | * Cisco UCCE FINESSE | | | * Cisco UCCE Overview | | | | | | Cisco UCCE dashboards allow you to view | | | monitoring reports for a Cisco UCCE deployment. | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Vmware | * Vmware Status | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Windows | * System Stats | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: VOSS reference dashboards for Insights DS9 are available if a VOSS Insights DS9 server is installed. Using the System Uptime PING Dashboard ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' The VOSS reference dashboard *System Uptime PING* is a read-only dashboard that allows you to to view and monitor system-level availability data. System Uptime PING displays live statistics for predefined parameters, such as `lxt_connect_time` and `lxt_total_time`, displayed as dashboard widgets, for a selected Arbitrator. .. note:: To modify this dashboard you'll need to copy it and save it as a new, custom dashboard. .. image:: /src/images/voss-ref-dashboard-availability-system-uptime-ping.png .. rubric:: To set up and use this dashboard: 1. In Dashboard, clone and save a custom dashboard from the VOSS reference dashboard, System Uptime PING. 2. In Arbitrator, add and configure the PING probe. 3. In Arbitrator, attach the PING probe to the relevant assets (one or more). .. note:: The PING probe ships with VOSS Insights. Once configured and assigned to each device that you wish to monitor, the PING probe stores historical availability results to the database. 4. In VOSS Insights Dashboard, point to an Arbitrator to view data: a. In the **DASHBOARDS** panel, select your custom System Uptime PING dashboard (the one you created, based on the VOSS reference System Uptime PING dashboard). b. Display the **Data source types** and **Data sources** fields (if hidden). To do this: * Click the toolbar Wrench icon, then select **Hide/Show** to display the **Hide Show Options** dialog. * Select **Show Data source selector**, and click **Save**. 5. Choose an option: a. To view data for a particular widget, click the cog icon on the widget, then select **Edit Widget** to open the **Configure Data** dialog. In the **Resource** drop-down, choose the widget that defines the data you want to view in the dashboard, for example, `Day_availability_ping`), then choose a data source (the relevant Arbitrator), and click **Save**. The dashboard displays data relevant to the widget and the selected data source. b. To view data for all widgets (global view), for a selected Arbitrator, choose **Data source type** ``Remote Arbitrator Postgre`` (global option), then from the **Data Source** drop-down, choose an Arbitrator. .. note:: This option provides a live refresh of data for all widgets, for a selected Arbitrator. To save this global data view, click **Save**. Alternatively, the page loads data in the widgets, and you can choose another Arbitrator in the **Data Source** drop-down to load data for the next Arbitrator for which you want to view data. The page loads fresh data each time you change the value in the **Data Source** drop-down. Displayed data depends on data available from the Arbitrator for which you're running the query. .. _cisco-ucce-dashboard: Cisco UCCE Dashboard with ListProcesses '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' This dashboard provides monitoring reports for a UCCE deployment, including such ListProcess details as **Process Description**, **Process Status** and **Process UpTime** and **Service**. | .. image:: /src/images/insights-dashb-cisco-ucce-process-list.png | .. rubric:: To set up and use this dashboard: In Arbitrator: 1. Add the probe group, e.g.: **Cisco UCCE List Processes**. #. Add the probe with settings as below: | .. image:: /src/images/insights-arb-cisco-ucce-process-probe.png | #. Create the credentials: | .. image:: /src/images/insights-dashb-cisco-ucce-creds.png | #. Go to **Assets** and assign the probe to a device: | .. image:: /src/images/insights-dashb-cisco-ucce-assign-probe.png | In VOSS Insights Dashboard: Use the resource ``Arbitrator_cisco_ucce_processes`` dashboard to view data. | .. image:: /src/images/insights-dashb-cisco-ucce-process-fields.png | The dashboard screen provides further options for configuring filters and time periods for the data you wish to view. .. _voss-analytics-default-dashboards: VOSS Analytics Dashboards ............................. VOSS Insights provides the following reference dashboards for VOSS Analytics: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}| +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Folder | Reference Dashboards | +======================================+=================================================+ | Subscribers / Services / Entitlement | * Entitlement Detail | | | * Entitlement Summary | | | * HCS License Detail | | | * HCS License Report | | | * Service Assignment Summary | | | * Subscriber Detail | | | * Subscriber Services | +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Phones / Devices / Voicemail | * Device Profile Detail | | | * Device Profile Summary | | | * Orphaned Phones & Voicemail | | | * Phone & Jabber Detail | | | * Phone Summary | | | * Phone Types | | | * Remote Destination Profile Detail | | | * Voicemail Detail | +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Number Inventory / Lines | * E164 Number Inventory | | | * Internal Number Inventory | | | * Internal Number Inventory Detail | | | * Lines & Call Forward Detail | | | * Lines Summary | +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Transactions | * Transaction Details | | | * Transaction Summary | | | * Transaction Trends | +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Hunt & Pickup Groups | * Hunt Group Detail | | | * Hunt Pilot | | | * Pickup Group Detail | +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | MsGraph | * VOSS Msgraph | | | * VOSS Msteams | +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Webex Teams | * Customer Summary Dashboard | | | * Customer Summary Dashboard_Drilldown | | | * Provider Summary Dashboard | | | * VOSS Sync Status | | | | | | Webex dashboards can be used if your Arbitrator | | | is configured for Webex. | +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ .. image:: /src/images/voss-ref-dashboard-analytics-subscriber-services.png .. image:: /src/images/voss-ref-dashboard-analytics-subscriber.png .. image:: /src/images/voss-ref-dashboard-analytics3.png .. image:: /src/images/voss-ref-dashboard-analytics4.png .. |main-menu-icon| image:: /src/images/analytics-main-menu-icon.png