.. _arbitrator-API-v2-resources-alerts: ``/v2/alerts`` --------------- .. _22.2|EKB-13698: The alerts resource supports the following operations. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{1.5cm}|p{5cm}|p{8.5cm}| +--------+----------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Method | URL | Description | +========+============================+===================================+ | GET | ``/v2/alerts`` | Get a list of all alerts. | +--------+----------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | GET | ``/v2/alerts/{alert_id}`` | Get a single alert by alert id. | +--------+----------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | POST | ``/v2/alerts/disposition`` | Disposition an Alert through API. | +--------+----------------------------+-----------------------------------+ GET .... ``/v2/alerts`` ``/v2/alerts/{alert_id}`` * Example :: https:///api/v2/alerts?limit=3 { "status": 200, "message": "Success", "data": [ { "alert_id": "", "message": "Node: () - RayRule : Jabber (JabberNew)", "log_date": 1665689762, "last_escalated_date": 1665689763, "acknowledged_date": 0, "last_updated": 0, "acknowledged_level": 1, "status_condition_id": 12, "status_condition": "Critical", "irp_id": 2, "irp_name": "Ray IRP", "ad_id": 0, "disposition": "The alert is open.", "reference_id": "119012-01000011-00-01-101-1", "user_name": "", "node": "", "short_message": "RayRule : Jabber (JabberNew)", "rule_name": "RayRule", "policy_name": "RayPolicy", "response_procedures": [ { "response_procedure_id": "", "name": "Ray IRP" } ] }, { "alert_id": "", "message": "Node: () - RayRule : Jabber (JabberNew)", "log_date": 1665689760, "last_escalated_date": 1665689761, "acknowledged_date": 0, "last_updated": 0, "acknowledged_level": 1, "status_condition_id": 12, "status_condition": "Critical", "irp_id": 2, "irp_name": "RayIRP", "ad_id": 0, "disposition": "The alert is open.", "reference_id": "119012-01000011-00-01-101-1", "user_name": "", "node": "", "short_message": "RayRule : Jabber (JabberNew)", "rule_name": "RayRule", "policy_name": "RayPolicy", "response_procedures": [ { "response_procedure_id": "", "name": "RayIRP" } ] } ] } RESP_CODE: ``200``