.. _DS9-dashboard-config: DS9 Configuration on the Dashboard ================================== To complete the configuration between the Insights Dashboard Reporter and DS9, flow devices and SNMP configuration can be carried out: 1. Log in on the Dashboard GUI as admin, then go to **admin > Configuration**. On the **Configuration Settings** page, select the **DS9** tab. .. image:: /src/images/insights-ds9-dashboard-cfg-1.png #. Choose **Setup new DS9**, add the **ds9IpAddress**, then click **Add**. Repeat this step according to the number of DS9 systems to be utilized in the environment. .. image:: /src/images/insights-ds9-dashboard-cfg-2.png #. Refresh the Dashboard browser page and from the menu, select **Data Sources**. The new entries for the IP address are listed as ``DS9 SNMP...``, ``DS9 SUMMARY...`` ``DS9 TOPN...`` entries. #. Under the **DASHBOARDS** menu, the new **DS9 - ** dashboard menu shows, for example: .. image:: /src/images/insights-ds9-dashboard-cfg-3.png Note at this stage the sub-menus are still empty. #. Set up the DS9 to receive netflow from the source devices sending to the DS9. Go to **admin > Configuration** and on the **Configuration Settings** page, select the **DS9** tab. #. Choose **Flow device intake** and for each remote netflow device that the DS9 server will receive flow data, set up **ds9IpAddress**, **remoteIpaddress** and **port** and click **Add**. .. image:: /src/images/insights-ds9-dashboard-cfg-3b.png #. NetFlow source device interface utilization statistics that are gathered using SNMP data collection is also required. Choose the **Snmp data collection for flow device** menu, enter data into the fields according to your SNMP version configuration preferences, then click **Add**. Repeat this step for each of the flow sources set up to send flow to the DS9. Specify the same IP address of the NetFlow source to be queried in the **deviceIpAddress** field and the **snmpIpAddr** field if NAT is not being used to connect to the NetFlow source device from the DS9 system. If NAT is used to connect to the NetFlow source device, specify the NAT IP address of the NetFlow source device in the **snmpIpAddr** field to use as the Ip address to connect to the system for the SNMP query. Input the real IP address of the system into the **deviceIpAddress** field and then input the SNMP authentication parameters. Click the **Add** button when complete. Repeat for each NetFlow source device to be queried. The authentication parameters will cache in the browser so only changing the **deviceIpAddress** and **snmpIpAddr** fields is usually required for a new entry. .. image:: /src/images/insights-ds9-dashboard-cfg-4.png .. image:: /src/images/insights-ds9-dashboard-cfg-5.png