.. _managing-a-widget: Managing Widgets ----------------- .. _SP63|Enhancement. The "All data" option will take global filters into consideration.: .. _SP65|Widget data download can first be filtered.: .. _22.2|EKB-11736: .. _22.2|EKB-13733: Overview ........... Dashboards contain a number of editable widgets, for which you can configure the look and feel, and the data presented in each widget, in a **Widget Editor**. .. image:: /src/images/analytics-managing-widget.png Widget editing options depend on the configuration of the selected widget. The table describes the possible **Widget Options** menu options: .. SP60, SP63 .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}| +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Option | Description | +====================================+======================================================================+ | Refresh Data | Performs a manual refresh of the data from the database. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Edit Separators | Opens a separate page where you can select one or more separators | | | that you want to use on your widget, i.e. Left, Right, Top, Bottom | | | or All. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Save Chart | (Only available if the Widget is a Chart). Saves any widget to your | | | desktop as a ``.svg`` file. This file can then be imported into | | | documents for custom reporting. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Edit Widget | Opens up the widget editor, where you can edit the data and the | | | analysis of the data that is represented on the widget. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Clone Widget | Creates a copy of the widget, which you can then modify to meet the | | | specific data analysis needed. This is much quicker than creating a | | | brand new widget/dashboard. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Remove Widget | Deletes the widget from the dashboard. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Move Widget | Launches a tree of all the folders and dashboards in the system. | | | Simply choose the folder and click on the dashboard destination you | | | want. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Download CSV | Downloads the underlying data (chart or table) to ``.csv``, which | | | you can save to your computer. The data will be pulled based on the | | | time selected in the time-bar. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Download CSV - All data | Choosing "All data" downloads all of the table data in that widget | | | (regardless of the time set in the time-bar) to a ``.csv`` file that | | | you can save to your local computer. The "All data" option takes | | | global filters into consideration. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Download Excel Workbook | (Only available if the Widget is a Table.) Downloads the table data | | | to an Excel file that you can save to your local computer. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Download Excel Workbook - All data | (Only available if the Widget is a Table.) Downloads *all* the table | | | data to an Excel file that you can save to your local computer. The | | | "All data" option takes global filters into consideration. | +------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: You can *filter* data in a widget before downloading a file option. Use the **Search** function of the widget. The downloaded file would then *only* contain the filtered data. .. image:: /src/images/VAA-filter-download.png Widget Editor ............... To edit a widget, click the cog icon (Widget Options) at the top right on the widget, to display a menu with options for managing widgets. Select **Edit Widget** to open the **Widget Editor**, which provides options for configuring data resources, settings for configuring how data displays, and drill down options. Configuring a widget in this way provides several powerful data analysis options. You can select the following tabs on this screen to configure the widget: * :ref:`widget-editor-resource-tab` * :ref:`widget-editor-settings-tab` * :ref:`widget-editor-drill-down-tab` .. image:: /src/images/widget-editor-resources-tab.png The right pane in the Widget Editor displays data based on the widget configuration. .. note:: If the widget you open for editing contains pre-existing configuration and data, this data displays in the chart pane without running additional queries. This means that you can view configuration changes immediately, based on pre-existing data. The chart pane contains the following configuration options: ===================================== ======================================================= Date range calendar Select a date range for the data you wish to analyze. Overwrite Dashboard Date Range Define whether to allow the widget date range to overwrite the dashboard date range. Auto Query Define whether to allow automatic queries. If you have this setting enabled, the system automatically runs the query to refresh data when you update the widget configuration. Disable this setting to limit the number of queries, and to only run the query manually once you complete the configuration. In this case, you'll click the **Query** button to run the query when you're ready to do so. ===================================== ======================================================= .. image:: /src/images/widget-editor-chart-pane.png .. _widget-editor-resource-tab: Resource Tab '''''''''''''''' This tab configures the widget's data sources, search definitions, fields, filters, and sorting. .. image:: /src/images/widget-editor-resources-tab.png The table describes the fields on the **Resource** tab: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}| +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Field | Description | +======================+======================================================================+ | Data Source | This drop-down lists all the databases to which the VOSS Insights | | | platform has access. This can be its local database or it can | | | contain multiple databases. You can find details for adding new data | | | sources elsewhere in this guide. | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Resource | Click the **Edit Resources** button to display/hide this | | | drop-down, which contains the list of existing definitions. | | | | | | When editing an existing widget within a dashboard, the default name | | | is the search definition used for that dashboard. However you can | | | use this to pull data onto a widget from any defined search | | | definition, thus creating a dashboard of widgets that analyze data | | | from multiple data sources (Ex: Firewall, DNS, Router, Application) | | | | | | From SP66, new data definitions are also available for: | | | | | | * VOSS Automate MSgraph, MSteams, and Spark objects (search for | | | ``msgraph``, ``msteams``, ``spark``). | | | * Webex API data (search for ``webex``). | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Fields | Drag and drop fields here (from **Definitions**) that | | | you want to analyze on the widget. You can add as many fields as | | | required to a single widget. | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Definitions | Click the **Edit Resources** button to display/hide this | | | field. | | | | | | Definitions are categorized by type (Text fields, Integer fields, | | | Float fields, Epoch Date fields, Calculated fields, and Filter Only | | | fields), based on the data type extracted from the search | | | definitions previously created and associated with the widget. | | | | | | First choose a definition in the **Resource** drop-down to filter | | | the field types and fields associated with the definition, then you | | | can drag the required fields into the **Fields** panel on the left. | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Filters | Allows you to set a filter definition for the widget. For example, | | | filter only on values greater than 200. These filters allow the | | | widget to be created to provide analysis of the data based on the | | | specific context. | | | | | | Drag and drop fields here that you want to use as filters (from | | | **Definitions**). | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Additional Sorting | Allows you to set the starting order for fields that appear in a | | | table. Using this field allows the column sort to be pre-set based | | | on the fields dropped into this panel. | | | | | | Drag and drop fields here, from **Definitions**. | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: Where dates are listed, the zero (0) value is not interpreted and shown as Jan. 1, 1970, but simply as 0. .. _widget-editor-settings-tab: Settings Tab '''''''''''''' This tab defines settings for charts on the widget, including the chart title, a description, the series limit, and the chart type. You can also define chart colors. Additional configuration fields on the tab are based on the chart type you choose. .. image:: /src/images/widget-editor-settings-tab.png .. _widget-editor-drill-down-tab: Drilldown Tab '''''''''''''''' This tab defines the drill-down field behavior and allows you to choose the fields that will display as drill-downs. .. image:: /src/images/widget-editor-drilldown-tab.png