Build the Azure Collector using the Azure GUI ------------------------------------------------ 1. Log in to 2. Click on the icon **Container Instances**. .. image:: /src/images/Azure-container-instances.png .. note:: First time users may have to enter payment details to cover the Azure running costs. 3. Click the **Create** button. .. image:: /src/images/Azure-container-instances-create.png 4. Fill out the following details: * **Resource group**: customer specific * **Container name**: example msteams collector * **Region**: needs to match global reader user * **Image source**: docker hub or other registry .. image:: /src/images/Azure-container-instance-create-details.png 5. The following information comes from the first email that is sent .. image:: /src/images/Azure-container-instance-credentials.png * **Image**: * **Image registry login server**: * **Image registry user name**: application ID from email * **Image registry password**: password from email Change size of container: * **Number of CPU cores**: 2 * **Memory (GiB)**: 4 Click **OK** to change the container size 5. Click **Review + create** to build standard 6. Click **Next : Networking** .. note:: It is the customer's responsibility to define their network, business policies and implementation. The following section acts as knowledge sharing. .. image:: /src/images/Azure-container-review-create.png 7. **Advanced**: Customer specific requirement .. image:: /src/images/Azure-container-review-create2.png 8. **Tags**: Add a tag if you require .. image:: /src/images/Azure-container-review-create3.png 9. **Review + create** .. image:: /src/images/Azure-container-review-create4.png Click **Create**. Make sure the container deploys and causes no errors. It should take 2-3 minutes to deploy. .. image:: /src/images/Azure-container-review-create5.png 10. Take a note of the public IP (private if you done this as part of the customer security network setup). .. image:: /src/images/Azure-container-review-create6.png 11. In the container instance that has been created, click **Containers** > **Connect** tab > **Connect** button. .. image:: /src/images/Azure-container-review-create7.png This displays the sandbox name which needs to be copied. This name is what the licensing server uses to associate the customer container with the user so they can log in to the GUI. .. image:: /src/images/Azure-container-review-create8.png