NetFlow Collector System Health Check ---------------------------------------- This procedure displays the output from the DS9 Collector internal Health Check, via the CLI **Administration** menu. .. note:: If the displayed result is **Success**, the health check has validated that all services and processes are functioning properly. If the displayed result is **Failure**, you will need to contact VOSS Support. 1. SSH to the DS9 system, and log in to the system using the DS9 CLI NetFlow Collector System Health Check **admin** credentials (username / password) to access the main **Administration** menu. .. note:: The image shows SSH connection example using Putty ssh client. .. image:: /src/images/Insights-Netflow-System-Function-Validation-image0.png 2. In the **Administration** menu, select **System**, then select **OK**, and press ****. .. note:: Use the following keyboard keys to choose relevant options and to navigate through the CLI **Administration** menu: ****, ****, **** .. image:: /src/images/Insights-Netflow-System-Function-Validation-image1.png 3. On the **System** page, select **Health Check**, then select **OK**, and press ****. .. image:: /src/images/Insights-Netflow-System-Function-Validation-image2.png View the result, which should be **Success**. Select **OK**, and press **** to return to the **System** page. .. image:: /src/images/Insights-Netflow-System-Function-Validation-image3.png .. image:: /src/images/Insights-Netflow-System-Function-Validation-image4.png 4. On the **System** page, select **Back**, select **OK**, and press **** to return to the main **Administration** menu. .. image:: /src/images/Insights-Netflow-System-Function-Validation-image4.png 5. In the **Administration** menu, select **Quit**, and press **** to disconnect from the system.