What's New by Document ====================== Analytics Install Guide: Release 22.2 -------------------------------------- * EKB-13160: Add multi-line support to the SSHD config. See: :ref:`deploy-vm-install` Added note for SSHD Config that multi-line entries can be added if needed. * EKB-13823: Update Insights build process to generate SHA256 checksums for all published artifacts. See: :ref:`dashboard-download` Added verification step using .sha256 checksum files. Arbitrator Install Guide: Release 22.2 --------------------------------------- * EKB-13160: Add multi-line support to the SSHD config. See: :ref:`deploy-vm-install` Added note for SSHD Config that multi-line entries can be added if needed. * EKB-13823: Update Insights build process to generate SHA256 checksums for all published artifacts. See: :ref:`arbitrator-download` Added verification step using .sha256 checksum files. DS9 for NetFlow Install Guide: Release 22.2 -------------------------------------------- * EKB-13160: Add multi-line support to the SSHD config. See: :ref:`deploy-vm-install` Added note for SSHD Config that multi-line entries can be added if needed. Dashboard Administration Guide: Release 22.2 --------------------------------------------- * EKB-11721: SFTP file name options. See: :ref:`assurance-reports` Added details for new Override default File name option. * EKB-11722: Email filename options. See: :ref:`assurance-reports` Added details for new Override default File name option. * EKB-11723: Display only option if not using Email and SFTP. See: :ref:`assurance-reports` Added details on Display only option. * EKB-11731: Theme management, container background/text/frame needs a better word then container to make it more obvious what will change. See: :ref:`theme-management` * EKB-11733: Theme management - Primary background/text/frame needs a better term than primary to make it more obvious what will change. See: :ref:`theme-management` * EKB-11736: Definitions drop-down menu reposition. See: :ref:`managing-a-widget` Documentation update for the new Widget Editor * EKB-13639: Reporter node unable to finish running large report. See: :ref:`assurance-reports` Documentation updated for improvements to the Reports functionality. * EKB-13733: Dashboard UI table widgets auto render epoch dates of 0 to 1970 date. See: :ref:`managing-a-widget` * EKB-13746: Change spinner icon to match the one used in Automate. See: :ref:`dashboards` * EKB-14211: In the Dashboard, only a superuser can edit the password policy. See: :ref:`VAA-access-controls` This documentation update explains where and how a superuser can update the system password policy. * VOSS-1051: (EKB-13187: Implement Alerting configuration screen in Reporter UI). See: :ref:`ds9-configuration` * VOSS-1085: (EKB-11485: User should have ability to change their own password). See: :ref:`dashboard-edit-account` * VOSS-1085: (EKB-13635: Create Role Screen). See: :ref:`VAA-access-controls` * VOSS-1085: (EKB-11485: User should have ability to change their own password). See: :ref:`VAA-access-controls` Arbitrator Administration Guide: Release 22.2 ---------------------------------------------- * EKB-13343: Cannot run backup to external system. See: :ref:`arbitrator-configuration` Added details on nfs option and new Check NFS buttons. Dashboard and Arbitrator Maintenance and Upgrade Guide: Release 22.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- * EKB-13158: Update upgrade menu to allow specification of patch file. See: :ref:`insights-upgrade-steps` Added details on prompt image and local filename option. Arbitrator API Guide: Release 22.2 ------------------------------------ * EKB-13697: Time stamp issues in the API and DB. See: :ref:`arbitrator-API-resources-overview` * EKB-13698: Unable to correlate alarms in SP 22.1 with the IRP the alert is associated with. See: :ref:`arbitrator-API-resources-alerts` Added /api/v2/alerts examples. * EKB-13698: Unable to correlate alarms in SP 22.1 with the IRP the alert is associated with. See: :ref:`arbitrator-API-resources-v2-overview` Added /api/v2/alerts examples. * EKB-13698: Unable to correlate alarms in SP 22.1 with the IRP the alert is associated with. See: :ref:`arbitrator-API-v2-resources-alerts` Added /api/v2/alerts examples. Dashboard API Guide: Release 22.2 ---------------------------------- * EKB-13637: API work. See: :ref:`dashboard-api-dashboard` Added info on dashboards/roles API endpoints.