Upgrade ======== Pre Checks ---------- 1. Check the current version of the software by running the command **about** and viewing the version. #. Check GUI Access. #. Check available storage of the disk of the server. Backup dashboards before upgrades --------------------------------- 1. Log in as admin. #. Click on the **admin** top right. #. Click Import/Export Wizard. #. Click the Export Tab. #. Select all the dashboards. #. Click the Export .lxtr blue button on the top right. #. click the **Download** button and save to a safe place. Run a backup ------------------ On Arbitrator: 1. Navigate to settings #. Choose **IMPORT & EXPORT** #. Drag from the **Configuration items** pane to the **Export** pane: * Asset Entries * Asset Groups * Controls * Policy Modules * Probe groups * Response procedures |VAA-upgrade-image3| 4. Click **Export** |VAA-upgrade-image5| 5. Click **Download**. Store the file in a safe place. Command Line Backup (Arbitrator or Dashboard) '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' This backup method applies to both Insights Arbitrator or Dashboard. From the command line **Administration** menu: Arbitrator .. image:: /src/images/arb-cli-menu-administration.png or Dashboard .. image:: /src/images/dash-cli-menu-administration.png choose **Backup Restore**, and then choose **Create a backup**. .. image:: /src/images/arb-cli-menu-backup.png This backup creates a backup ``tar.bz2`` file in the ``lxt_archive/`` directory. Such backups can also be scheduled with ``cron`` or created manually. When required, the **Administration** menu can be used to restore a selected backup. .. image:: /src/images/arb-cli-menu-restore.png .. note:: If any themes were present on the system, these are also backed up and will also be available from the restore list. .. image:: /src/images/arb-cli-restore-menu.png Upgrade timings --------------- * Arbitrator = Approx 20 Mins * Dashboard Server = 20-60mins depending on resources Upgrade Method of Procedure (MOP) ------------------------------------ Upgrade check, download and install: * The server will need access to the internet on port 443 1. Using *Winscp* and the drop account, copy the patch file (example patch file for the arbitrator ``layerX-arbitrator-sp19-sp20.lxsp``) to the ``lxt_upgrade`` directory. #. Log in to server using *Putty* via the admin account. #. Select **Upgrade** from the admin menu. .. image:: /src/images/insights-upgrade-admin-upgrade-menu.png #. Click/enter **OK** #. Select the **Check and Upgrade** option. .. image:: /src/images/insights-upgrade-check-and-upgrade.png The server will go to the file repository and download the image to the local server. :: Current system info: arbitrator-sp20, expecting layerX-arbitrator-sp20-sp21.lxsp Could not find expected lxsp file locally, so attempting download from https://www.layerxtech.com/downloads/arbitratorhawaii/updates/layerX-arbitrator-sp20-sp21.lxsp --2020-12-10 10:08:54-- https://www.layerxtech.com/downloads/arbitratorhawaii/updates/layerX-arbitrator-sp20-sp21.lxsp Resolving www.layerxtech.com... Connecting to www.layerxtech.com||:443... connected. WARNING: cannot verify www.layerxtech.com's certificate, issued by 'CN=Let\'s Encrypt Authority X3,O=Let\'s Encrypt,C=US': Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 119664932 (114M) Saving to: 'layerX-arbitrator-sp20-sp21.lxsp' layerX-arbitrator-sp20-sp21.lxsp 100%[==================================================>] 114.12M 10.7MB/s in 12s 2020-12-10 10:09:09 (9.33 MB/s) - 'layerX-arbitrator-sp20-sp21.lxsp' saved [119664932/119664932] wget --no-check-certificate -O layerX-arbitrator-sp20-sp21.lxsp.md5sum https://www.layerxtech.com/downloads/php/md5.php? filename=/home3/layerxte/www/downloads/arbitratorhawaii/updates/layerX-arbitrator-sp20-sp21.lxsp --2020-12-10 10:09:09-- https://www.layerxtech.com/downloads/php/md5.php? filename=/home3/layerxte/www/downloads/arbitratorhawaii/updates/layerX-arbitrator-sp20-sp21.lxsp Resolving www.layerxtech.com... Connecting to www.layerxtech.com||:443... connected. WARNING: cannot verify www.layerxtech.com's certificate, issued by 'CN=Let\'s Encrypt Authority X3,O=Let\'s Encrypt,C=US': Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: unspecified [text/html] Saving to: 'layerX-arbitrator-sp20-sp21.lxsp.md5sum' layerX-arbitrator-sp20-sp21.lxsp.md5sum [ <=> ] 97 --.-KB/s in 0s 2020-12-10 10:09:12 (7.70 MB/s) - 'layerX-arbitrator-sp20-sp21.lxsp.md5sum' saved [97] Download completed. md5sum values match. -rw-r--r-- 1 drop drop 119664932 Dec 7 23:31 /chroot/scp/pub/lxt_upgrade/layerX-arbitrator-sp20-sp21.lxsp SUCCESS: Download and check specified. Not performing install. Press any key to return to the menu. Press any key to continue the upgrade Note: the location where the upgrade files get placed ready for the upgrade is location here: downloads file to: ``/chroot/scp/pub/lxt_upgrade/`` Manual download of a upgrade image: ................................... * The server will need access to the internet on port 443 1. Log on to the server using *Putty* and the admin user credentials #. Navigate down to **LayerX Upgrade** #. Click/enter **OK** |VAA-upgrade-image4| 4. Select the **Download Specified Package** |VAA-upgrade-image7| **Download Specified package** - Enter the following information changing the ```` with the actual file name: :: https://www.layerxtech.com/downloads/arbitratorhawaii/updates/ E.g. ``layerX-arbitrator-sp19-sp20.lxsp`` The file will continue to install :: Please enter the path to download and install: https://www.layerxtech.com/downloads/arbitratorhawaii/updates/layerX-arbitrator-sp19-sp20.lxsp Fetching https://www.layerxtech.com/downloads/arbitratorhawaii/updates/layerX-arbitrator-sp19-sp20.lxsp --2020-12-10 10:38:18-- https://www.layerxtech.com/downloads/arbitratorhawaii/updates/layerX-arbitrator-sp19-sp20.lxsp Resolving www.layerxtech.com... Connecting to www.layerxtech.com||:443... connected. WARNING: cannot verify www.layerxtech.com's certificate, issued by 'CN=Let\'s Encrypt Authority X3,O=Let\'s Encrypt,C=US': Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 206254372 (197M) Saving to: 'layerX-arbitrator-sp19-sp20.lxsp' layerX-arbitrator-s 100%[===================>] 196.70M 11.1MB/s in 20s 2020-12-10 10:38:38 (9.99 MB/s) - 'layerX-arbitrator-sp19-sp20.lxsp' saved [206254372/206254372] Download completed Continuing with install Thu Dec 10 10:38:43 GMT 2020: Validating service pack file. Thu Dec 10 10:38:43 GMT 2020: Extracting service pack file. Thu Dec 10 10:38:45 GMT 2020: Validating service pack phase 1. Verified OK Thu Dec 10 10:38:45 GMT 2020: Validating service pack phase 2. Thu Dec 10 10:38:46 GMT 2020: Service pack validation complete. Thu Dec 10 10:38:46 GMT 2020: Starting installation processes. You cannot upgrade release sp20 => sp20. The required release for this service pack is sp19 or sp19.1 or sp19.2 or sp19.3 or sp19.4 or sp19.5 or sp19.6 or sp19.7 or sp19.8 or sp19.9 or sp19.10. Press any key to return to the menu. Press the enter key to return to the menu Note: the location where the upgrade files get placed ready for the upgrade is location here: downloads file to: ``/chroot/scp/pub/lxt_upgrade/`` 5. On the menu select the **Get Version Number** |VAA-upgrade-image7| Post Checks -------------- Check the patch version by selecting the **About** menu in the GUI, for example: .. image:: /src/images/insights-upgrade-gui-about-menu.png or .. image:: /src/images/insights-upgrade-gui-about-menu-arb.png Check the version, for example: .. image:: /src/images/insights-upgrade-gui-about-version.png .. |VAA-upgrade-image3| image:: /src/images/VAA-upgrade-image3.png .. |VAA-upgrade-image4| image:: /src/images/VAA-upgrade-image4.png .. |VAA-upgrade-image5| image:: /src/images/VAA-upgrade-image5.png .. |VAA-upgrade-image7| image:: /src/images/VAA-upgrade-image7.png