.. _custom-dashboards: Custom Dashboards ------------------- You can create new dashboards based on a default dashboard that ships with the system, or create new, custom dashboards from scratch. To create a new custom dashboard, use one of these options: * Click the Plus (+) icon |analytics-create-new-dashboard-icon| in the **DASHBOARDS** panel. * Select a default dashboard in the **DASHBOARDS** pane, then clone this dashboard, save it as a new, custom dashboard, and configure the options you require. .. rubric:: Related Topics * .. raw:: latex Introduction to Dashboards in the Dashboards Administration Guide. .. raw:: html Introduction to Dashboards * .. raw:: latex Default Dashboards in the Dashboards Administration Guide. .. raw:: html Default Dashboards * .. raw:: latex Introduction in the Dashboards Administration Guide. .. raw:: html Introduction .. |analytics-create-new-dashboard-icon| image:: /src/images/analytics-create-new-dashboard-icon.png