.. _VAA-arb-licensing: Arbitrator Licensing ---------------------------- Overview .......... .. _SP23|Arbitrator License remaining days will now be displayed in UI upon login.: You can view the Arbitrator License remaining days in the user interface, once you log in. This setting can be enabled (display) or disabled (hide). .. image:: /src/images/VAA-Arbitrator-License-remaining-days.png Show or Hide Days Remaining from the UI .......................................... You can choose to show or hide the license days remaining from the main user interface. To do this: 1. In **ACCESS CONTROL**, select **Permission Groups**. 2. Toggle the following setting: **VIEW - License Expiration** .. image:: /src/images/VAA-arb-view-license-expiration.png View License Days Remaining ............................... To see how many days left, from the main menu, for a logged in user: 1. Choose **About** 2. Check the **DAYS LICENSED** and **DAYS REMAINING** values. Load a License File ...................... To load a license file: 1. Obtain the license file 2. Choose **About** 3. Click **EDIT PRODUCT KEY** and replace it with the one from the license file.