.. _DS9-dashboard-config: DS9 Configuration on the Dashboard ================================== To complete the configuration between the Insights Dashboard Reporter and DS9, flow devices and SNMP configuration can be carried out: 1. Log in on the Dashboard GUI and go to **admin > Configuration** and on the **Configuration Settings**, go to **DS9**. .. image:: /src/images/insights-ds9-dashboard-cfg-1.png #. Choose **Setup new DS9**, add the **ds9IpAddress** and click **Add**. Repeat this step according to the number of flow devices to set up. .. image:: /src/images/insights-ds9-dashboard-cfg-2.png #. Refresh the Dashboard browser page and from the menu, select **Data Sources**. The new entries for the IP address are listed as ``DS9 SNMP...``, ``DS9 SUMMARY...`` ``DS9 TOPN...`` entries. #. Under the **DASHBOARDS** menu, the new **DS9 - ** dashboard menu shows, for example: .. image:: /src/images/insights-ds9-dashboard-cfg-3.png Note at this stage the sub-menus are still empty. #. Set up the Netflow devices for DS9. Go to **admin > Configuration** and on the **Configuration Settings**, go to **DS9**. #. Choose **Flow device intake** and for each remote netflow device that the DS9 server will receive flow data, set up **ds9IpAddress**, **remoteIpaddress** and **port** and click **Add**. .. image:: /src/images/insights-ds9-dashboard-cfg-3b.png #. If SNMP data collection is also required, choose the **Snmp data collection for flow device** menu, enter data into the fields according to your configuration preferences and click **Add**. Repeat this step according to the number of flow devices set up. .. image:: /src/images/insights-ds9-dashboard-cfg-4.png .. image:: /src/images/insights-ds9-dashboard-cfg-5.png