MS Teams System Connectivity --------------------------------------------------------------- .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{4cm}|p{4cm}|p{4cm}| +------------------------+------------------+-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Source | Destination | Port / | Notes | | | | protocol | | +========================+==================+=======================+==========================================================+ | MS Teams - Cloud Agent | Cloud Arbitrator | 5432 tcp 443 tcp | Collects data from the MS Teams Tenant to the arbitrator | | | | | | +------------------------+------------------+-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Cloud Arbitrator | Dashboard Server | 5432 tcp | Pushes data to the dashboard to display dashboard data | +------------------------+------------------+-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Client PC – | | 443, 8443, 22, 80 TCP | User Interface Access | | GUI Interface and | | | | | CLI Management Access | | | | | | Correlation | | | | | Server / | | | | | Dashboard | |   | |       | Server       | | | +------------------------+------------------+-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+