.. _deploy-vm-install: Deploy and VM Installation Steps -------------------------------- 1. Download the ISO to directory accessible by the VSphere client. #. In the vSphere client, create a new Debian Linux 64-bit guest operating system VM with: * disk space * RAM * vCPU according to the recommended hardware specifications for the required configuration. See the *VMWare Specification and Requirements*. Choose a VM name, for example "VAA". #. Attach the downloaded ISO to the CD/DVD drive. For Device Status, select Connect at power on. Make sure that the CD/DVD drive with the attached ISO is set to boot first. #. Power on the VM. #. You will be prompted with the following message: |install-0| #. Press (to start install) or + C to exit. #. You will see ``.lxp`` packages being installed. This takes a while. |install-2| #. After all the packages are installed you will automatically be presented with a basic configuration. |install-3| This allows you to set the following: * Root Password * Hostname * IP Configuration * DNS * Time Navigate to each of the setup screens using the following keys: * Arrow key * Arrow key * * #. To set the root password use the and arrow keys until Set Root Password is highlighted. Then press . #. You will then be asked to type the Root Password twice. |install-4| #. After entering the new Root Password you will return to the Main configuration screen. |install-5| You can now proceed to the *Networking Setup* section in the VOSS Insights Install Guide. .. |install-0| image:: /src/images/analytics-install-0.png .. |install-2| image:: /src/images/analytics-install-2.png .. |install-3| image:: /src/images/analytics-install-3.png .. |install-4| image:: /src/images/analytics-install-4.png .. |install-5| image:: /src/images/analytics-install-5.png