.. _theme-management: Theme Management ------------------- .. _SP63|Ability to create new custom themes with the new Theme Management screen.: .. _SP65|Theme Management enhancements - login background image, widget header, background, menu colour,tab text, text colours for Widget header, login and menu.: .. _SP66|Custom favicon can now be imported.: .. _SP66|Customizable login privacy text.: .. _SP66|More color options added for dashboards and widgets.: .. _SP66|More color options added for arbitrator.: .. _SP25|Arbitrator SP25 - More color options added for arbitrator.: The Theme Management screen provides several options to configure themes: create, modify, reset and delete. Custom themes can also be created. Create a New Theme .................... 1. From the reporter user menu on the main screen, choose **Theme Management**. #. From the **Select action** drop down, choose Create New Theme. .. image:: /src/images/VAA-theme-mgt0.png 3. Enter a **Theme Name** and optionally any arbitrator to share the theme. #. **Login Options**: refer to the **Login sample** for a preview of changes. .. image:: /src/images/VAA-theme-mgt1.png a. For **Login color options** (Login Background, Login Button Background), click in the color box to open a color picker widget. You can use the sliders, buttons and input boxes to set a color. Verify your color shows in the **Hex:** input as a hex value and click **Select**. |VAA-theme-mgt-color-picker| b. From **Import login image**, select the image to show on the login page, above the username and password input boxes. #. From **Import background image**, select the image to show as background on the login page, behind the login box. If not used, then the **Login Background** color applies. If needed, select the **Remove Background image** check box to remove any imported background image. #. From **Login Container**, select the required color options. The **Privacy Security Text** box can be used to enter login privacy text: .. image:: /src/images/insights-theme-login-container.png A **Tab Title** text value can be entered to show as the browser tab text. #. **Dashboard Options**:: refer to the **Dashboard sample** for a preview of changes. .. image:: /src/images/VAA-theme-mgt2.png a. For **Dashboard color options** (Banner Background, Dashboard Background), click in the color box to open a color picker widget. You can use the sliders, buttons and input boxes to set a color. Verify your color shows in the **Hex:** input as a hex value and click **Select**. For the dashboard, Theme Color Options are also available for text, Container, Primary Active elements and Containers. .. image:: /src/images/theme-color-options-SP66.png Additional Arbitrator Configurator colors are also available: .. image:: /src/images/theme-arb-color-options-SP66.png #. Select an image from **Import logo image** to use as a logo on the banner. The image can be scaled and positioned using **Logo Image Ratio** and **Logo Image Top Padding**. An option is also available for a browser tab icon: **Import Favicon image**. #. **Dashboard Menu Options**: the **Menu color options** group of settings are available to customize the colors of the menu and its text (Menu Background, Menu Text, Menu Hover Text, Menu Button) - using the color pricker widget. .. image:: /src/images/VAA-theme-mgt3.png #. **Widget Options**:: refer to the **Dashboard sample** for a preview of changes. The widget sample is shown on the dashboard. .. image:: /src/images/VAA-theme-mgt4.png Set the **Widget Header Color**, **Widget Title Color** and **Widget Body Color** using the color picker widget. The **Chart Weekend** setting can be used to set a different chart color for charts that show daily data over a number of weeks. .. image:: /src/images/VAA-weekend-color.png #. Click **Save**. When done, the **Status** shows 100% and a message shows "Theme saved successfully". Apply a Theme to the Dashboard ............................... 1. Log in on the command line and navigate to the **Change Reporter Branding** menu. |VAA-change-reporter-branding-menu| 2. At **Enter Branding Theme:** input box, enter ``themes/`` and select **OK**. A console message shows: ``Putting THEME:themes/``. #. If you log in on the reporter now, the theme is shown. Apply a Theme to the Arbitrator ................................ 1. On the selected theme on the **Theme Management** menu, ensure that the arbitrator is selected in the **Arbitrators** drop down box and that the theme is saved. (You need to make a change to the theme to save.) |VAA-theme-mgt-arbitrator| 2. Click **Save**. You should now also see an **Output:** message: "Generating Arbitrator theme " #. Log in on the command line and navigate to the **Change Arbitrator Branding** menu. |VAA-change-arbitrator-branding-menu| 4. At **Enter Branding Theme:** input box, enter ``themes/`` and select **OK**. A console message shows: ``Putting THEME:themes/``. #. If you log in on the arbitrator now, the theme is shown. Example Custom Theme ..................... |VAA-dashb-ReleaseNotes-SP63-1| .. |VAA-theme-mgt-color-picker| image:: /src/images/VAA-theme-mgt-color-picker.png .. |VAA-change-reporter-branding-menu| image:: /src/images/VAA-change-reporter-branding-menu.png .. |VAA-theme-mgt-arbitrator| image:: /src/images/VAA-theme-mgt-arbitrator.png .. |VAA-change-arbitrator-branding-menu| image:: /src/images/VAA-change-arbitrator-branding-menu.png .. |VAA-dashb-ReleaseNotes-SP63-1| image:: /src/images/VAA-dashb-ReleaseNotes-SP63-1.png