.. _configure-data: Configure Data -------------- .. _SP66|New data definitions added for VOSS Automate MSgraph, MSteams, and Spark objects.: .. _SP66|New data definitions added for Webex API data.: Two drop-down menus are available in the top left corner of the Widget Editor screen: **Resource** and **Data Source**. * The **Resource** drop-down contains a list of all of the search definitions that have been defined. When editing an existing widget within a dashboard the default name is the search definition used for that dashboard. However you can use this to pull data onto a widget from any defined search definition thus creating a dashboard of widgets that analyze data from multiple data sources (Ex: Firewall, DNS, Router, Application) From SP66, new data definitions are also available for: * VOSS Automate MSgraph, MSteams, and Spark objects (search for ``msgraph``, ``msteams``, ``spark``). * Webex API data (search for ``webex``). * The **Data Source** tab contains all of the databases to which the |VOSS Insights| platform has access. This can be its local database or it can contain multiple databases. Adding new Data Sources is described in a later section. |analytics-configure-data| .. |analytics-configure-data| image:: /src/images/analytics-configure-data.png .. |VOSS Insights| replace:: VOSS Insights