Chord Diagram ------------------ A chord diagram displays the inter-relationships between data in a matrix. Configure the first field (to) as a dimension, the second field (From) as a dimension and the third field (Weight) as a metric. When clicking on the Chord Diagram the **Settings** options below are adjusted to that particular selection. You have the following choices: * Color Palette - This defines the colors to associate with data values, the columns/bars plus allows you to save that palette for use with additional widgets. See the options on how to define the palette below. (:ref:`color-palette-changes`) * Description - Allows you to enter a description of the chart to be displayed along the top portion of the chart. * Contrast Label - Select this to provide better contrast on the font. Usually utilized with dark mode in the browser. * Label Font Size - Input the font size. * Chord Diagram Type - The two choices are Sankey, which shows the relationship horizontally or Dependency Wheel, which connects the relationship in a wheel design. |analytics-chord-chart| .. |analytics-chord-chart| image:: /src/images/analytics-chord-chart.png