``/v2/login`` -------------- The ``login`` route is required before access to any route under ``v2`` is requested. The system will respond with a token that needs to be included in the header of all subsequent API requests. The following methods are supported for the ``login`` route. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{1.5cm}|p{5cm}|p{8.5cm}| +--------+---------------+---------------------+ | Method | URI | Description | +========+===============+=====================+ | POST | ``/v2/login`` | Retrieves dashboard | | | | data for a specific | | | | user. | +--------+---------------+---------------------+ High Level login API Flow .............................. |analytics-arbitrator-high-level-login-API-flow| POST .......... ``/v2/login`` * Required Parameters The login request requires a ``username`` and ``password`` parameter to be sent as part of the POST request. .. note:: The ``username`` and ``password`` should be sent as a multipart form parameter. The username should be a userid that already exists in the system. A user can be added through our User Interface or via the API. By default, the system contains a user named ``lxt_api_user``. This ``userid`` can be used for first time API users. The ``lxt_api_userpassword`` is set at install time by your system administrator. * Example Curl Request Command: :: curl-k -w'\nRESP_CODE: %{response_code}\n' -X POST https:///api/v2/login -d"username=lxt_api_user&password=password1" Output: :: {"token":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9[...]"} RESP_CODE: ``200`` .. |analytics-arbitrator-high-level-login-API-flow| image:: /src/images/analytics-arbitrator-high-level-login-API-flow.png