``system`` ----------- The system resource supports the following operations. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{1.5cm}|p{5cm}|p{8.5cm}| +--------+-------------------+-------------------+ | Method | URL | Description | +--------+-------------------+-------------------+ | GET | ``/system/stats`` | Get system stats. | +--------+-------------------+-------------------+ * Example Output Command: :: curl-k -w'\nRESP_CODE: %{response_code}\n' -X GET Output: :: { "data": { "Cpu - Idle": "74.48979591836735", "Cpu - Irq": "0", "Cpu - Nice": "0", "Cpu - Sys": "9.183673469387756", "Cpu - Total": "25.510204081632654", "Cpu - User": "16.3265306122449", "Load Percentage": "129.4189453125", "Load over Last 1 Minute": "2.58837890625", "Load over Last 5 Minute": "2.01416015625", "Load over Last 15 Minute": "1.71923828125", "Memory Free": 7368441856, "Memory Used": 9436925952, "Memory Total": 16805367808, "Memory Used Percent": "56.15423631196968", "Memory Free Percent": "43.84576368803032", "Number of Cores": 2, "Disk Used Percent": "17", "Disk Free Percent": "83", "Disk Total": 523089912, "Disk Used": 85928968, "Disk Free": 437160944, "customer": "VAADEMODASH", "hostname": "VAADEMODASH", "version": "sp62", "services": { "postgres": "running", "ndx_server": "running", "reporter": "running", "apache2": "running", "sshd": "running", "slapd": "running", "runit": "running" } } } RESP_CODE: ``200``