.. _arbitrator-API-resources-v2-configs-credentials: ``/v2/configs/credentials`` ---------------------------- .. tabularcolumns:: |p{1.5cm}|p{5cm}|p{8.5cm}| +--------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | Method | URL | Description | +========+=============================+============================================+ | GET | ``/v2/configs/credentials`` | Retrieves current list of all credentials. | +--------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | POST | ``/v2/configs/credentials`` | Adds a new credential. | +--------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | PUT | ``/v2/configs/credentials`` | Modifies an existing credential. | +--------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | DELETE | ``/v2/configs/credentials`` | Deletes an existing credential. | +--------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ Header (required) ................. ``x-lxt-api-token``: "token from login" GET ...... ``/v2/configs/credentials`` * Example 1: Get All Credentials Command: :: curl -s -H "x-lxt-api-token:eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJh[...] --insecure -w "RESP_CODE: %{response_code}" -X GET Output (formatted): :: {"status": 200, "message": "Success", "data": [{"credential_id": "E613X4TEDYG[...]", "name": "ray", "username": "LayerX does not return usernames.", "password": "LayerX does not return passwords.", "profiles": [], "response_methods": []}, {"credential_id":"HWO7ZVMUDG7SGWY7[...]", "name": "run.sh", "username": "LayerX does not return usernames.", "password": "LayerX does not return passwords.", "profiles": [], "response_methods": [] } ] } RESP_CODE: ``200`` POST ........ ``/v2/configs/credentials`` Input Data This is an example input object describing a single Credential. :: {"name": "admin2", "username": "admin2User", "password": "admin2Pass" } * Example 1: POST probe group and probes Command: :: curl -s -H "x-lxt-api-token:eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJh[...] --insecure -w "RESP_CODE: %{response_code}" -d@test_data/credential -X POST Output (formatted): :: {"status": 200, "message": "Success", "data": [{"credential_id":"IZP3WG47RN66R0AR1[...]", "name":"admin2", "username":"LayerX does not return usernames.", "password":"LayerX does not return passwords.", "profiles":[], "response_methods":[] } ] } RESP_CODE: ``200`` PUT ...... ``/v2/configs/credentials`` * Example 3: PUT credentials: Modify Credential Input data :: {"credential_id":"IZP3WG47RN66R0AR[...]", "name":"New Name" } Command: :: curl -s -H "x-lxt-api-token: xxx" --insecure -w "RESP_CODE: %{response_code}" -d@test_data/credential1 -X POST https:///v2/configs/credentials ie. :: curl -s -H x-lxt-api-token:eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhb[...] --insecure -w "RESP_CODE: %{response_code}" -d@test_data/credential1 -X POST Output (formatted): :: {"status": 200, "message": "Success", "data": [{"credential_id":"IZP3WG47RN66R0AR16110[...]", "name":"New Name" "username":"LayerX does not return usernames.", "password":"LayerX does not return passwords.", "profiles":[], "response_methods":[] } ] } RESP_CODE: ``200`` DELETE ....... ``/v2/configs/credentials`` * Example 1: Delete Credentials Input Data :: {"credential_id": "d9506ab97e091007a74[...]"} Command :: curl -s -H x-lxt-api-token:eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1Q[...] --insecure -w RESP_CODE: %{response_code} -d@./test/input_data.json -X DELETE or :: curl -s -H x-lxt-api-token:eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1Qi[...] --insecure -w RESP_CODE: %{response_code} -X DELETE[...] Output (formatted): :: {"status":null, "message":null, "data":[]} RESP_CODE: ``200``