.. _arbitrator-API-resources-overview: Resources Overview ------------------- The Arbitrator API is broken up into the resources below. Each resource represents an object in the Arbitrator system. A resource will have associated data and a set of methods in which the user may operate on it. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{2.5cm}|p{12.5cm}| +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Resource | Description | +===============+=================================================================================+ | ``/alerts`` | This resource will return data associated with alerts generated by the system. | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``/assets`` | This resource will return data associated with all the assets configured and | | | discovered by the system. An asset can be added using the Arbitrator | | | configuration screen. The Arbitrator will also automatically discover assets if | | | the asset is configured to send logs to the Arbitrator. | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``/ciscocdr`` | This resource will return data associated with Cisco CDR and CMR files. | | | The API will return a running total of various statistics associated | | | with Cisco's call records. | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``/system`` | This resource will return data about the Arbitrator system in general. | | | | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+