Release Notes for Dashboard and Reporting (SP62) ................................................. Security Updates '''''''''''''''' * Apache upgraded to 2.4.46 * Stricter file access to reports directories. * Additional checks to only allow image files to be uploaded in "Rich Text" Widget Editor. * TLS 1.0 and 1.1 deprecated in product. User Interface '''''''''''''''' * Scheduled Reports can now be scheduled to output Excel workbooks (XLS) creating a new tab for each widget inside a single excel workbook file. .. raw:: html
See: Reports
* Map chart now has options to change map background and continent border color. * Table 2 charts: .. raw:: html
See: Table Charts
* There is a new sorting option for tree-table. ``Default`` sorting is the current behavior where the user dictates sorting by clicking on the individual columns. ``Additional Sorting`` uses the fields from the ``Additional Sorting`` line to determine the sort for the tree-table. Note, these options only affect sorting when ``tree-table`` is enabled. * New options are available to adjust column size. ``Default`` is the current behavior where columns are evenly auto adjusted based on browser size. ``Fit contents`` is a new options that will auto expand the column to fit the contents of the data. This will usually produce a horizontal scroll bar. ``Custom`` is also a new option that allows the user to specify the size of each column manually. * The renderer is updated to better support Kilobytes to Human Readable disk size. (M for Megs, G for Gigs). ``Factor`` can be manipulated if the base number is not in bytes. For example, the **df** command displays it's results in 1K blocks. * New drilldown filtering option added. The current default behavior for drilldown filtering is the ``IN`` option. The ``IN`` option requires a perfect match in order for results to be returned. The ``Regex`` option will return data if the database contains the value that was selected. * Added support for filtering and drilldown on empty values. Simply leave the filter value blank. For drilldown, user can click on an empty cell to trigger an empty filter drilldown. Resource Definitions ''''''''''''''''''''' * ``cucm_headsetinventory``: New ``cucm_headsetinventory`` resource. Requires Arbitrator Release sp21 and ``axlGetHeadset_creds`` probe. * ``arbitrator_ciscocdr`` and ``arbitrator_ciscomr``: Both ``arbitrator_ciscocdr`` and ``arbitrator_ciscocmr`` resource updated to include new Cisco CMR Metric's Field. * Zoom definitions updated, new Zoom QoS definitions and dashboards. Miscellaneous '''''''''''''''' * New configuration screen for DS9. Requires DS9 Release SP5.