Release Notes for Arbitrator Correlation 5 (SP22) ================================================= Security Updates ---------------- * CVE-2021-3156 - Upgraded ``sudo`` to resolve the vulnerability. * Extra security measures enforced when using browser development tools. New Features ------------ * Added to the out-of-box build Cisco Call Manager Express FTP support. Dashboard definitions requires Dashboard Release SP63. * New ping probe that will allow ping on a hostname: ``icmp_echo_hostname``. Enhancements ------------- * User timeout no longer requires a browser refresh to login. * Enhanced performance of ICMP probe on successful pings. * The "All data" option will take global filters into consideration. * Arbitrator themes can be created using Dashboard server. Requires Dashboard Release SP63. * An increase in throughput for the correlation engine. * Fixed API ``/v2/configs/policy_filters`` to work properly. * Various bug fixes.