Correlation and Dashboard System Connectivity

This table includes connectivity requirements between VAA Arbitrator, Reporting Dashboard, as well as connectivity between these and the following: VOSS-4-UC, NTP, DNS and AD.

Source Destination Port / protocol Notes
Correlation Server / Dashboard Server  Correlation Server / Dashboard Server 5432, 5433, 5000, 60514, 64514, 64515, 65515, 65516, 64005, 64004, 62009, 62010 (all TCP) Note:  Intra-system communication and queries  – Bi-directional
Correlation Server Correlation Server 62002, 62003, 62004, 62005, 62006, 11501,30501, 30503, 40501, 40503 (all TCP)  Note:  VOSS Fabric TLS tunnel Connection Ports – Bi-directional between Customer systems and NOC systems for event forwarding
Correlation Server / Dashboard Server Network Resources (NTP, DNS) 53, 123 UDP Time and DNS
Client PC – GUI Interface and CLI Management Access  Correlation Server / Dashboard Server 443, 8443, 22, 80 TCP User Interface Access
VOSS-4-UC Dashboard Server 27020 Database access
Correlation Server / Dashboard Server AD 389 636 TCP UDP Authentication