
Complete API Reference

Method URL Description
GET alerts Get a list of all alerts.
GET alerts/{alert_id} Get a single alert by alert id.
POST alerts/disposition Disposition an Alert through API.
GET /assets Get a list of all assets.
GET /assets/{asset_id} Get a single asset by asset id.
POST /assets Add a new asset.
POST /assets Add multiple new assets.
PUT /assets Updates a single asset.
PUT /assets Updates multiple assets.
DELETE /assets Deletes a single asset.
DELETE /assets Deletes multiple assets.
GET /ciscocdr Get running totals for ciscocdr stats.
GET /system/stats Get system stats.

Status Codes

All status codes are standard HTTP status codes. The table below are status codes commonly used in LayerX’s API.

Status Code Description
200 OK
400 Bad Request by Client
403 Forbidden
404 Resource no found
500 Internal LayerX Error
501 Not Implemented
503 Service Unavailable

Disposition Description

Value Description
0 Open.
1 Under Review.
2 Acknowledged.
3 Release.
4 Disregarded. This will delete Alert from system.
14 Closed.
15 Closed and Locked. This will delete Alert from system.